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是否值得使用qlalchemy-migrate? [闭门]
原标题:Is it worth using sqlalchemy-migrate ? [closed]
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.

我有了一个网络应用(在Pylons)。 我需要有效地改变图象,以便能够至少每天改变生产版本,但可能更多,而不失去数据。

I have played a little bit with sqlalchemy-migrate over the week-end and I would say that it gave me a bad impression. First I think it cannot help with migration between two databases engines; that s something that could probably be done with sqlalchemy alone. Second the docs do not seem up to date. I had to change some command-line options, like giving the repository path at each command, this could be a bug of migrate.

但是,最糟糕的是“管理......pytest”指挥。 不仅如此,它实际上还更新了数据库。 (这一点在文件中有清楚的说明,因此我可以责怪移民),但我的第一份移徙描述只是简单地 st住了化学移民,使经过升级的b带与原来的<different schema相比。 但是,“manage.py”测试只是回答了类似情况。

 success !

That is, it did not even check if the schema was left in a coherent state. So is it worth using migrate? Is there any advantage compared to the Do It Yourself method associated with good practices as proposed by S.Lott ? Are there alternatives to sqlalchemy-migrate actually simplifying the migration process or am I just trying to use migrate with a bad a priori (then please show me why is t clearly superior to creating CSV columns as proposed in the link above)?

很多 感谢!


Alembic being out ( http://pypi.python.org/pypi/alembic, 并且由无纸面设计者维持,考虑到 salchemy-migrate development的停滞不前,今年实际上没有作出承诺(


我亲爱使用它。 它很麻烦,因为新装置(发展中国家、测试、推土)很容易被困。 不仅如此,它为贵方的成长提供了一席之地,并为那些在你从申请文本到申请文本时需要移民提供良好的入境点。 有时需要做的是更换/打板、测试和生产服务器。

它是否完美? Nope。 你们可以把 d子留给坏国家,但这正是你为什么要做饭/测试/生产。

我在个人上用它来把我的单位检测用q子进行,用 s子进行单位测试,但我们在生产中使用 my。 因此,在使用该平台方面有一些交叉平台。

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