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原标题:Forcing GCC 4.x to treat -Wreturn-type as an error without enabling -Werror?


#if !defined(__cplusplus)
#  error This file should be compiled as C++

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>

//#define USE_CXX_CLASS
class SomeClass
    SomeClass() {}
    ~SomeClass() {}
    std::string GetSomeString()
        // case #1
#endif // USE_CXX_CLASS

int foo()
    // case #2

main (int argc, char *argv[])
    SomeClass someInstance;
#endif // USE_CXX_CLASS
    return 0;

并相信,将汇编C++编(而不是C组编)的版本4.2.1,其中可选择<代码>-Wreturn-type-Werror=return-type。 如果将上述代码汇编成册,则不必首先填写/#define USE_CXX_CLASS。 页: 1

.../gcc-4.2.1/bin/g++   -g    -fPIC -Wreturn-type -Werror=return-type    test.cpp -c -o test.o
test.cpp: In function  int foo() :
test.cpp:26: warning: control reaches end of non-void function

但是,如果<代码>/#define USE_CXX_CLASS行不通,则警告is。 a. 被视为错误:

.../gcc-4.2.1/bin/g++   -g    -fPIC -Wreturn-type -Werror=return-type    test.cpp -c -o test.o
test.cpp: In member function  std::string SomeClass::GetSomeString() :
test.cpp:18: error: no return statement in function returning non-void [-Wreturn-type]
gmake: *** [test.o] Error 1

是的,一个是非成员的职能(案例2),另一个是C++职能(案例1)。 海事组织,这不应成为问题。 我希望这两种条件都被视为错误,我不想在此刻添加<代码>-Werror或-Wall(或许会以后这样做),但这不属于这一问题的范围。


  1. Is there some GCC switch that I am missing that should work? (No I do not want to use #pragma s.)
  2. Is this a bug that has been addressed in a more recent version of GCC?

For reference, I have already poured through other similar questions already, including the following:


它是固定的,与<代码>g++良好。 9.3 :成员职能和自由职能均作为错误对待,编号为<>-Wall-Werror=return-type。


I do see an error even w/o the USE_CXX_CLASS flag. i.e. g++ is consistent with the error for both class member functions and non member functions. g++ (GCC) 4.4.3 20100127 (Red Hat 4.4.3-4)


  • Name it something like gcc-wrapper and g++-wrapper.
  • In your Makefile set CC and CXX to the wrappers.
  • Have the wrapper invoke GCC and pipe its output to another program which will search for your desired warning strings.
  • Have the search program exit with an error when it finds the warning.

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