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原标题:Parser for multiple formats and multiple operations (design pattern available ?)

I am currently writing a text file parser for several formats. While the text file is parsed, there are different kinds of operations to do. I am trying to do something clean using OOP. Here is where I am stuck :

abstract class Parser
    abstract protected function DoSomeStuff($data);

    public function Parse($src)
        if ( $this->GetFormat($src) == 1 )
            $data =$this->GetSomeDataFromFormat1($src);
        if ( $this->GetFormat($src) == 2 )
            $data = $this->GetSomeDataFromFormat2($src);

class DoSomething extends Parser
    protected function DoSomeStuff($data)
        // Doing some stuff with data

class DoSomethingElse extends Parser
    protected function DoSomeStuff($data)
        // Doing some other stuff with data

$ds = new DoSomething();

$dse = new DoSomethingElse();

As you can see : all the code for all files formats is in class Parser. What can I do to make this cleaner ?

Thanks Antoine


诸如Strategy patterns可能有助于清理。

另见:StackOverflow: [java] Strategy patterns search




唯一要决定的另一点是,你如何装上每一类档案,可以采取几种方式。 I d 建议在工厂类别中登记。



if ( $this->GetFormat($src) == 1 )
if ( $this->GetFormat($src) == 2 )

//This should be a switch
$src = $this->getFormat($src);

    case 1:

    case 2:




GetSomeDataFromFormat1 and GetSomeDataFromFormat2


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