Currently we re using PHP for our websites. Now we re thinking about writing the backend in Java, because of the type safety of the language, and the availability of all kind of tools for Java. I ve been reading about Java Bridge and now I m wondering how to set this up.
我们已经通过阿帕奇重新使用PHP。 我的理解是,为了使用Java Bridge I,还需要安装Tomcat。 这意味着我有两个服务器(Apache和Tocat),我需要为后台增加安全,因为它突然向整个世界开放。 我失踪了吗? 是否有另一种办法使PHP-Java连接不增加服务器? 通常如何这样做?
Any directions or links on how to to do this or any best practices on how to set it up are greatly appreciated. I didn t find the official Java Bridge site very clear. Thanks!