English 中文(简体)
原标题:Are . and -> in C and C++ really operators?


然而,我怀疑他们是操作者,因为如果是操作者,他们的投入类型是什么? 此外,双方的识别特征是相互依存的,例如,+经营者缺乏这种特征。

If this is correct - in what sense are these still labeled as operator in practice, and what is their formal definition with regard to language theory.




Is that not authoritative enough?



我想说,汇编者可以承认的任何类型都可以作为论据,包括内部类型,例如“识别器”。 运营商在其海岸警卫队代表中将有两个论点,足以让你界定属人。


For example, an operator may be a man who works a machine. That definition has no relevance to programming theory, but it won t stop me using for keywords in a domain-specific language expressing something to do with machine operating. Similarly, the term "operator" has a wider definition in mathematics than that which is specific to programming theory - and that definition isn t invalidated simply by working with a programming language.

采用另一种方式——如果您不称其为经营者,那么would 页: 1


为了澄清,我的第一个论点是提及使用经营者的辛迪加(电话)。 这些操作者有正确的论据,即身份识别——C++语言无法使用数据类型表示。 C++ 语言does 成员点数与成员相同,但与成员相同。

I assume that is what the question referred to. The right parameter of those operators has a type which cannot be expressed or manipulated normally in the language.

当该辛塔x被设计成超载operator->功能时,情况是不同的。 该功能指向经营者――它只指经营者如何实施。



template<class T>
struct myPtr {
    T *operator ->()    { return m_ptr; }

        T *m_ptr;


Hmmm...sizeof 是经营者,其投入类型是什么? 我认为,这个问题对于区分运营商和非经营者而言是有用的。

<><>><>><>>><>>><>>> 系指在节目编排语言中“探测器”是指exactly 语文的作者says 系指该词的含义。 Shades of Lewis Carroll here.

THe C++03标准指两种操作者。




罗马尼亚广播公司,“我知道”已经以“你”的方式直接说过这一点。 在C术语中:> 。 这就是说的。 页: 1

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