English 中文(简体)
java - 核对清单中的相同价值
原标题:java - check for same values in list
  • 时间:2010-11-25 21:16:24
  •  标签:
  • java
  • list

我有一份清单,列出了一定数量的“海龟”。 这只是一些法典,并非全部。

int nrTurtles = Keyboard.nextInt("How many turtles to create: ");
w = new GraphicsWindow(500, 300);
for (int k = 1; k <= nrTurtles; k++) {
        Turtle t = new Turtle(w, 50, 50 + 10*k);

And each turtle has a coordination value that i can get with (example):

turtles.get(0).getX() //this gets turtle nr 1 position

现在,如果两个或两个以上海龟,如何以智能方式行事。 取决于名单上有多少份?

<>And/strong>,如果两个或两个以上具有相同价值(450) i 想用system.out.print写“turtle1 and turtle2 are the,” ,如果出现这样的情况,就具有同样的价值。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 如果只有一个带(450)和值(0>)的海龟,则只想写这一海龟,因为“海龟1是唯一的”。



Unless the list of turtles is disttyed to iteration as an Techno for searching the list.


ArrayList<Turtle> results = new ArrayList<Turtle>();

for (int i = 0; i < nrTurtles; i++) {

    if (turtles.get(i).getX() == 450) {


if (results.size() == 0) {

    // No turtles are at 450

} else if (results.size() == 1) {

    // Turtle is alone at 450

} else {

    // Turtles are all at 450


  450 => Array{ 1, 5 },
  300 => Array{ 2 },
  150 => Array{ 3, 4, 6 } 



for each turtle:
  get coord value
  do we have it as a key yet?
    no: create coord.value => empty array
  insert turtle id into coord.value array


您可使用<代码>Map<Integer, Set<Turtle>>:

关键在于X协调。 探讨如何利用哈希姆普:

基本上,穿透所有微妙之处,并添加到你的地图上。 类似:

Map<Integer, Set<Turtle>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Turtle>>();
for(Turtle t: turtles) {
   Set<Turtle> set = m.get(t.getX());
   if(set == null) {
      s = new HashSet<Turtle>();
      map.put(t.getX(), set);
   map.put(t.getX(), set);


for(Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Turtle>> e: map.entrySet()) {
   Set<Turtle> set = e.getValue();
   if(set.size() > 1) {
       System.out.println("These turtles have the same X coordinate:");
       for(Turtle t: set) {

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