English 中文(简体)
原标题:Sort a list with spans within, jQuery



<a href="">Sort by name</a>
<a href="">Sort by year</a>
<a href="">Sort by fruit</a>
  <span class="name">Carl</span>
  <span class="year">1954</span>
  <span class="fruit">Apple</span>
  <span class="name">Ann</span>
  <span class="year">1932</span>
  <span class="fruit">Banana</span>
  <span class="name">Joe</span>
  <span class="year">1961</span>
  <span class="fruit">Pineapple</span>

因此,我希望能够按这三个“类别”进行分类。 没有人提出?



<div id="sort">
    <a href="#name">Sort by name</a>
    <a href="#year">Sort by year</a>
    <a href="#fruit">Sort by fruit</a>
<ul id="things">


$("#sort a").click(function(e) {
    var desc = $(this).hasClass("asc"),
        sort = this.hash.substr(1),
        list = $("#things");
    list.append(list.children().get().sort(function(a, b) {
        var aProp = $(a).find("span."+sort).text(),
            bProp = $(b).find("span."+sort).text();
        return (aProp > bProp ? 1 : aProp < bProp ? -1 : 0) * (desc ? -1 : 1);
    $(this).toggleClass("desc", desc)
           .toggleClass("asc", !desc)
           .siblings().removeClass("asc desc");

您可以在这里测试,还有其他一些当然方法(以上可以进一步放下)。 你可以迅速开展这项工作。


  • Take #XXX and get XXX, that s the class we want to sort on (you could use a data- attribute here)
  • Grab the list - keep a reference so we don t keep selecting it
  • Take the children (the <li>s), use .get() to get the raw array of DOM elements
  • .sort() that array by:
    • Take a and b passed in, those are <li> elements
    • .find() the <span> we care to sort on in there
    • Take the .text() of that <span>
    • Return the comparison of that text (reverse if it we re desc, reversing the sort)
  • .append() the sorted elements back to the list
  • The last bit is just changing the sort styling, if it s already sorted ascending, change it to a desc class, otherwise make it an asc class, and remove either class from any siblings.

If you have a very large number of elements, you ll want to take a different approach like the plugins posted in other answers...they parse the data on updates only and cache the result in objects, so there s less DOM traversal when sorting (which compared to everything else, is expensive).


$("#sort a").click(function(e) {
    var desc = $(this).hasClass("asc"),
        sort = this.hash.substr(1),
        list = $("#things");
    $(list.children().detach().find("span."+sort).get().sort(function(a, b) {
        var aProp = $.text([a]),
            bProp = $.text([b]);
        return (aProp > bProp ? 1 : aProp < bProp ? -1 : 0) * (desc ? -1 : 1);
    $(this).toggleClass("desc", desc)
           .toggleClass("asc", !desc)
           .siblings().removeClass("asc desc");



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