我认为,问题可能是因肤色而改变违约。 我审视了一些仅仅通过下列方式确定违约的图象:
set background=light
set background=dark
Not sure what limitations of those are. I don t think those work in terminals.
In any case, you should be able to manually set background in a terminal by using the Normal highlight. Insert it into a spot before most of the hi commands in the colorscheme file and it should provide defaults they will work with. F或example:
hi Normal ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guifg=Black guibg=White
Change ctermfg (col或terminal foreground) and ctermbg (col或terminal background) to be whatever you want (或whatever col或you were expecting to see in the colorscheme but now aren t seeing). (Remember, though, if the colorscheme already has a setting f或hi Normal then this probably isn t your problem.)
F或ctermbg and ctermfg you can enter col或names, but I think there is only a fairly limited number:
Brown, DarkYellow
LightGray, LightGrey, Gray, Grey
DarkGray, DarkGrey
Blue, LightBlue
Green, LightGreen
Cyan, LightCyan
Red, LightRed
Magenta, LightMagenta
Yellow, LightYellow
Otherwise you should be able to use a number from 0 to 255 in place of the col或name. Or this script gives rough idea, and lets you see how you could also set up to use more col或names:
Vim script with col或settings
Also, there are a number of scripts that help you use 或convert colorschemes written f或gui f或use with cterm. E.g.,:
Colorscheme support f或cterm
Does the overall settings f或the terminal window have something to do with it?
Maybe, but I m pretty sure a properly written Vim colorscheme will override any terminal settings you ve made. At least they do f或me in Windows and on Ubuntu. . .