I have the following two views based on Backbone.js
pg.views.ItemList = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "div",
className: "items",
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, addOne , addSelected )
Items.bind( add , this.addOne);
addOne: function(Item) {
var view = new pg.views.Item({model: Item});
addSelected: function(ItemList) {
_.each(ItemList, this.addOne);
return this.el;
pg.views.Section = Backbone.View.extend({
tagName: "section",
sectionTemplate: _.template($( #section-template ).html()),
events: {
initialize: function() {
_.bindAll(this, render , close , addItemToSection , removeItemFromSection );
this.model.bind( change , this.render);
this.model.view = this;
Items = new pg.collections.ItemList;
render: function() {
Items.bind( add , this.addItemToSection); // "add" event bind
Items.bind( remove , this.removeItemFromSection); // "remove" event bind
return this;
addItems: function() {
var ids = this.model.get( items );
var view = new pg.views.ItemList;
var items = _.map(ids, function(id){ return Items.get(id); });
setContent: function() {
var title = this.model.get( title );
this.$( .title ).text(title);
this.title = this.$( .title-input );
addItemToSection: function(Item) {
console.log(this.model.get( title ));
removeItemFromSection: function(Item) {
console.log(this.model.get( title ));
Here is the problem I am encountering.
I have a view where a user creates two sections, lets say that they are called "section1" and "section2". These names are used in their "title" attribute.
Here is the strange behavior I am observing:
When a user is in "section1" and adds and item, the "add" bind event is triggered, this results in "section2" being written to the console.
When a user is in "section1" and adds and item, the "remove" bind event is triggered, this results in "section1" being written to the console.
When a user is in "section2" and adds and item, the "add" bind event is triggered, this results in "section2" being written to the console.
When a user is in "section2" and adds and item, the "remove" bind event is triggered, this results in "section2" and then "section1" being written to the console.
If I am binding "add" inside the "pg.views.Section" view using "this.addItemToSection", shouldn t it only call the "addItemToSection" block inside that instance?
The only line that I can see "redefining" the "this" is the "add" bind in the initialize block of "pg.views.ItemList". If that line is the culprit, how do I prevent it from redefining the "this" on the "add" bind for "section1"?