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原标题:Finding All Combinations (Cartesian product) of JavaScript array values

我怎么能够把 Java印成形长数阵列的数值组合起来?

我要说的是,有 N印阵列的N号,例如:

var first = [ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ];
var second = [ e ];
var third =  [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ];





var allArrays = [[ a ,  b ], [ c ,  z ], [ d ,  e ,  f ]];

 function allPossibleCases(arr) {
  if (arr.length === 0) {
    return [];
  else if (arr.length ===1){
    return arr[0];
  else {
    var result = [];
    var allCasesOfRest = allPossibleCases(arr.slice(1));  // recur with the rest of array
    for (var c in allCasesOfRest) {
      for (var i = 0; i < arr[0].length; i++) {
        result.push(arr[0][i] + allCasesOfRest[c]);
    return result;

var results = allPossibleCases(allArrays);
 //outputs ["acd", "bcd", "azd", "bzd", "ace", "bce", "aze", "bze", "acf", "bcf", "azf", "bzf"]


由于每一阵列的长度是每一阵列的产物(请上<代码>numPerms),你可创设一个功能<代码>getPermutation(n),在索引代码<0><>>/代码>和之间实现独一无二的变动。 Perms - 1,根据n计算其需要检索其特性的指数。

How is this done? If you think of creating permutations on arrays each containing: [0, 1, 2, ... 9] it s very simple... the 245th permutation (n=245) is "245", rather intuitively, or:

arrayHundreds[Math.floor(n / 100) % 10]
+ arrayTens[Math.floor(n / 10) % 10]
+ arrayOnes[Math.floor(n / 1) % 10]

贵问题的复杂性是,阵列的规模各不相同。 我们可以通过将<代码>n/100、n/10等替换为其他分母。 为此,我们可以很容易预先确定一系列分歧。 在上述例子中,100名主持人等于arrayTens.length*阵列。 因此,我们可以计算出一个阵列的分歧点,作为剩余阵列长度的产物。 最后一个阵列总是有1个分歧。 而且,我们不是用10dding,而是用目前阵列的长度 mo笑。


var allArrays = [first, second, third, ...];

// Pre-calculate divisors
var divisors = [];
for (var i = allArrays.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
   divisors[i] = divisors[i + 1] ? divisors[i + 1] * allArrays[i + 1].length : 1;

function getPermutation(n) {
   var result = "", curArray;

   for (var i = 0; i < allArrays.length; i++) {
      curArray = allArrays[i];
      result += curArray[Math.floor(n / divisors[i]) % curArray.length];

   return result;

回答对我来说太困难。 因此,我的解决办法是:

var allArrays = new Array([ a ,  b ], [ c ,  z ], [ d ,  e ,  f ]);

function getPermutation(array, prefix) {
  prefix = prefix ||   ;
  if (!array.length) {
    return prefix;

  var result = array[0].reduce(function(result, value) {
    return result.concat(getPermutation(array.slice(1), prefix + value));
  }, []);
  return result;



result = items.reduce(
    (a, b) => a.reduce(
        (r, v) => r.concat(b.map(w => [].concat(v, w))),

var items = [[ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ], [ e ], [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ]],
    result = items.reduce((a, b) => a.reduce((r, v) => r.concat(b.map(w => [].concat(v, w))), []));
console.log(result.map(a => a.join(   )));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }


function *combinations(arrOfArr) {
  let [head, ...tail] = arrOfArr
  let remainder = tail.length ? combinations(tail) : [[]];
  for (let r of remainder) for (let h of head) yield [h, ...r];



function cartesianProductConcatenate(arr) {
  var data = new Array(arr.length);
  return (function* recursive(pos) {
    if(pos === arr.length) yield data.join(  );
    else for(var i=0; i<arr[pos].length; ++i) {
      data[pos] = arr[pos][i];
      yield* recursive(pos+1);


[...cartesianProductConcatenate([[ a ,  b ], [ c ,  z ], [ d ,  e ,  f ]])];
// ["acd","ace","acf","azd","aze","azf","bcd","bce","bcf","bzd","bze","bzf"]

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 找到《指南》的最佳途径

const arr1= [  a ,  b ,  c ,  d  ];
const arr2= [  1 ,  2 ,  3  ];
const arr3= [  x ,  y , ];

const all = [arr1, arr2, arr3];

const output = all.reduce((acc, cu) => { 
    let ret = [];
      acc.map(obj => {
        cu.map(obj_1 => {
          ret.push(obj +  -  + obj_1) 
      return ret;



const getUniqueCombinations = <T>(items : Array<Array<T>>, prepend : Array<T> = []) : Array<Array<T>> => {
    if(!items || items.length === 0) return [prepend];

    let out = [];

    for(let i = 0; i < items[0].length; i++){
        out = [...out, ...getUniqueCombinations(items.slice(1), [...prepend, items[0][i]])];

    return out;

a. 业务视觉化:


    [Obj1, Obj2, Obj3],
    [Obj4, Obj5],
    [Obj6, Obj7]


    [Obj1, Obj4, Obj6 ],
    [Obj1, Obj4, Obj7 ],
    [Obj1, Obj5, Obj6 ],
    [Obj1, Obj5, Obj7 ],
    [Obj2, Obj4, Obj6 ],
    [Obj2, Obj4, Obj7 ],
    [Obj2, Obj5, Obj6 ],
    [Obj2, Obj5, Obj7 ],
    [Obj3, Obj4, Obj6 ],
    [Obj3, Obj4, Obj7 ],
    [Obj3, Obj5, Obj6 ],
    [Obj3, Obj5, Obj7 ]

您可创建2D阵列和reduce。 然后使用https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Java/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/flatMap” rel=“nofollow noretinger”>flatMap,在加固阵列和现有阵列中形成阵容组合,并加固。

const data = [ [ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ], [ e ], [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ] ]

const output = data.reduce((acc, cur) => acc.flatMap(c => cur.map(n => c + n)) )


2021 version of David Tang s great answer
Also inspired with Neil Mountford s answer

const getAllCombinations = (arraysToCombine) => {
  const divisors = [];
  let permsCount = 1;
  for (let i = arraysToCombine.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      divisors[i] = divisors[i + 1] ? divisors[i + 1] * arraysToCombine[i + 1].length : 1;
      permsCount *= (arraysToCombine[i].length || 1);

  const getCombination = (n, arrays, divisors) => arrays.reduce((acc, arr, i) => {
      acc.push(arr[Math.floor(n / divisors[i]) % arr.length]);
      return acc;
  }, []);

  const combinations = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < permsCount; i++) {
      combinations.push(getCombination(i, arraysToCombine, divisors));
  return combinations;

console.log(getAllCombinations([[ a ,  b ], [ c ,  z ], [ d ,  e ,  f ]]));



function *cartesianProduct(...arrays) {
  if (!arrays.length) yield [];
  else {
    const [tail, ...head] = arrays.reverse();
    const beginning = cartesianProduct(...head.reverse());
    for (let b of beginning) for (let t of tail) yield b + t;

const first = [ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ];
const second = [ e ];
const third =  [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ];
console.log([...cartesianProduct(first, second, third)])

You could use this function too:

const result = (arrayOfArrays) => arrayOfArrays.reduce((t, i) => { let ac = []; for (const ti of t) { for (const ii of i) { ac.push(ti +  /  + ii) } } return ac })

result([[ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ], [ e ], [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ]])
// which will output [  a/e/f ,  a/e/g ,  a/e/h , a/e/i , a/e/j , b/e/f , b/e/g , b/e/h , b/e/i , b/e/j , c/e/f , c/e/g , c/e/h , c/e/i , c/e/j , d/e/f , d/e/g , d/e/h , d/e/i , d/e/j ]

当然,你可以删除<代码>+/>,在<代码>ac.push(ti + ii)上,消除最后结果中的斜坡。 您可以取代<条码>(......),代之以各项功能(在<条码>上填上相应的半分辨率/代码>),而不论哪一种功能更适合你们。

a. 不重复的阵列办法:

const combinations = [[ 1 ,  2 ,  3 ], [ 4 ,  5 ,  6 ], [ 7 ,  8 ]];
let outputCombinations = combinations[0]

combinations.slice(1).forEach(row => {
  outputCombinations = outputCombinations.reduce((acc, existing) =>
    acc.concat(row.map(item => existing + item))
  , []);

let arr1 = [`a`, `b`, `c`];
let arr2 = [`p`, `q`, `r`];
let arr3 = [`x`, `y`, `z`];
let result = [];

arr1.forEach(e1 => {
    arr2.forEach(e2 => {
        arr3.forEach(e3 => {
            result[result.length] = e1 + e2 + e3;

   apx ,  apy ,  apz ,  aqx ,
   aqy ,  aqz ,  arx ,  ary ,
   arz ,  bpx ,  bpy ,  bpz ,
   bqx ,  bqy ,  bqz ,  brx ,
   bry ,  brz ,  cpx ,  cpy ,
   cpz ,  cqx ,  cqy ,  cqz ,
   crx ,  cry ,  crz 

a. 不重复处理的解决办法,还包括通过补贴收回单一组合的功能:

function getCombination(data, i) {
    return data.map(group => {
        let choice = group[i % group.length]
        i = (i / group.length) | 0;
        return choice;

function* combinations(data) {
    let count = data.reduce((sum, {length}) => sum * length, 1);
    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        yield getCombination(data, i);

let data = [[ a ,  b ,  c ,  d ], [ e ], [ f ,  g ,  h ,  i ,  j ]];

for (let combination of combinations(data)) {

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