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原标题:why the TCP receiver can receive data after the Socket Server has shut down?

I am using Java to implement a multithreaded TCP server-client application. But now i have encountered a strange problem: when i shutdown the server socket, the receiver can still receives the last sent packet continuously. Since the detail of socket read is of the kernel concern, i can t figure out the reason. Can anybody give some guideline? Thanks in advance! Edit: The code involved is simple:

public void run() {
  while(runFlag) {
      //in = socket.getSocketInputStream();
      //byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; 
      try {
          //process the buffer;
      }catch(IOException e) {



The TCP/IP sack within the OS is buffering the data on both parties of the connection. 放电器填充其的袖珍/em>,由把包装包推到电线上的司机耗尽。 接收器在的电线上积累了包装,并收到缓冲<>/em>,该电线因申请而流失。

如果数据已经放在客户的袖珍中(在座机上,等待您将其应用到用户空间记忆中),那么服务器便无法读到数据。 它像天花邮件一样:一旦你寄出,你就无法打消。

这使TCP是如何运作的。 它是可靠的下游。 未交付的数据继续在正常关闭后提供。 难道不是你们想要的吗? 为什么这是一个问题?

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