English 中文(简体)
j 质量:数据不再使用窗户?
原标题:jQuery.data no longer works with window?

I recently upgraded our project s jQuery file from 1.4.2 to 1.4.4 and it appears that as of 1.4.3 the way we have been using jQuery.data has stopped working.


var events = $(window).data( events );

if (events.scroll)
if (!events.scroll.include(handler))


1.4.2中,该作品被罚款。 <代码>1.4.4,events未作界定。

function handler() {
  //do something

  $( div#test ).scroll(handler);

  $(window).data( events ) -> undefined
  $( div#test ).data( events ) -> Object

与本年度计划有什么变化? 我应如何列出<代码>window的活动?


var events = $(window).data( __events__ ).events;

a 视像,但将事件与平原物体联系起来的能力是令人信服的。


为避免物体名称相撞,更换了j Query 1.4.3+,因为window<>/code>(或任何其他平原物体)使用关键<代码>__events__>

var events = $(window).data( __events__ );

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_french.htm 钥匙用于没有<代码>的任何物体。 类型: (window don t, so that it was s treatment as aible Object here).

很显然,这是一种有意识的、蓄意的改变,列入。 The jQuery 1.4.3 release notes :

JavaScript Objects
A number of changes were made to when .data() is used on JavaScript objects (or, more accurately, anything that isn’t a DOM node). To start whenever you set data on a JavaScript object the data is set directly on the object – instead of going into the internal data object store. Additionally events that are attached to objects are put in a new __events__ property that is actually a function. This was done to allow events to be attached directly to an object, be garbage collected when the object is collected, and not be serialized by a JSON serializer. These changes should make jQuery’s data and event systems much more useful on JavaScript objects.


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