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原标题:printing time in 24 hours format in unix [closed]
  • 时间:2010-12-05 12:25:37
  •  标签:
  • unix
  • time

Just use of the date/code> 指挥:


man date

Just Try:

date -d %R

How to store only time; not date and time?

In one field I need to store not a datetime pair, i.e. a standard Oracle date. 01/10/2009 22:10:39 But time only 22:10:39 I think that save disk space (I have 2 million rows) or provide faster ...

Auto Fill the Time in infopath

I would like to know if there is a way that I can have the time be auto filled when the user enters 10 I then want it to show 10:00. how can I do this?

Regex for timestamps in php

I m trying to take timestamps in this format: 2009-11-16T14:05:22-08:00 and make turn them into something like 2009-11-16 How do I remove everything after the "T"?

Segmentation fault on time(0);

I m rewriting an old program to do some new stuff, and suddenly I get a segmentation fault error on the following line of code: time_t seconds_since_time_begun = time(0); Why, oh why? Update: I ...

Run a PHP script every second using CLI

I have a dedicated server running Cent OS with a Parallel PLESK panel. I need to run a PHP script every second to update my database. These is no alternative way time-wise, it needs to be updated ...