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原标题:Auto-update iPhone content

我正在开发一个具有许多动态内容的企业。 是否有办法每星期在3am更新内容(新故事、下载新录像等)。



虽然无法在座标的运行时这样做,但是,在发射或运行时,你可以非常容易地这样做(如果在3阿马上运行)。 这里我做的是:

  • Store an NSDate using NSUserDefaults for the last time you updated.
  • At launch, if a 3 AM period has passed since that date, initiate a sync.
  • Also at launch, start an NSTimer with a long interval—5 minutes or so. At each firing, check if a 3 AM period has passed and if it has, initiate a sync. You could even roll the last bullet’s code into this NSTimer’s firing method and just run it once at launch. Just be sure to update the NSDate object each time.
  • In the application delegate, in the methods called from returning from the background, check the time and sync if necessary—or just start the NSTimer and have it fire immediately first.




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