English 中文(简体)
1. 扩大/组装 j菜菜单(见右))
原标题:expand/collapse jquery menu (can t find right selector)

我的菜单没有顺序。 我先选择点击工作,但我只能列举具体名单的选择。 现在我这样做的方式是,把所有名单与特定类别相加,但我只想将其放在被点击的第一类。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm The jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

        $(".login-holder > ul > #loginTitle").click(function() {

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 页: 1

<div class="login-holder">

      <p><strong>Welcome, <%= ViewModel.Profile.Name.First %></strong></p>

      <ul class="account-links">
         <span id="loginTitle">User Options</span><br /><br />
            <%= Html.ActionLink<EventController>( x => x.List(), "Events Near Me" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<MyEventsController>( x => x.List(), "My Events" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<AccountController>( x => x.Edit(), "My Profile" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<ClubController>( x => x.List(), "Clubs Near Me" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<MyClubsController>( x => x.List(), "My Clubs" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<AccountController>( x => x.ChangePassword(), "Change My Password" )%>
            <%= Html.ActionLink<DependantController>( x => x.List(), "My Dependants" ) %>

  <div class="login-holder">
     <ul class="account-links">
        <span id="loginTitle">Organizer Details<!--<span id="toggle" style="margin-left: 32px; padding-right: 10px;"></span>--></span><br /><br />
        <!--<div id="additions">-->
           <%= Html.ActionLink<AccountController>( x => x.Organizer(), "Organizer Details" )%>
           <%= Html.ActionLink<EventController>( x => x.Edit( default(int?) ), "Post An Event" )%>
           <%= Html.ActionLink<EventAdminController>( x => x.List(), "Events Created By Me" ) %>
           <%= Html.ActionLink<ClubController>( x => x.Edit( default( int? ) ), "Create A Club" )%>
           <%= Html.ActionLink<ClubAdminController>( x => x.List( ), "Clubs Created By Me" )%>


$("#loginTitle").click(function() {




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