我正在考虑在矿址的网站上使用一些网球的arrow。 然而,我希望确保它能在大多数浏览器/平台工作。
我正在考虑在矿址的网站上使用一些网球的arrow。 然而,我希望确保它能在大多数浏览器/平台工作。
http://www.visibone.com/htmlref/char/webdings.html” rel=“nofollow” 我只想假设,并非每个人都会看到这一点,并利用_image-replacement。 技术。
I have an application that extends a Frame. Then, it ll display a few lines of text using: Font f = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); g.setFont(f); g.drawString("Test|great Yes ^.", x, y + 10); Now ...
I defined a tag map, and got a XML data file. I want to convert the XML data file to PDF by using iText. The question is how to embed fonts (e.g. Polish font, Chinese font) into the target PDF when ...
How can i change Emac s default font size in command-line, not the X version of emacs?
I m not sure if this has anything to do with the recent Safari update, but I m beginning to notice this a lot. There is a drastic difference in the way each browser is rendering fonts. for instance, ...
This is hopefully a new problem or just me missing something obvious. Please help! I m embedding a font into my AS3 application. I m doing everything by-the-book and it half-works. In my main class, ...
I m trying to spice up my website by using custom fonts for headings. For me, the most appropriate way to do this is using PHP and GD. I have written a little script which will output the dynamic text ...
How to use a stylish font on my website that works on all browsers
I d like to build a common typography stylesheet with a very small number of selectors. As such, I d far prefer to use @media sections for the various versions rather than create different files, each ...