English 中文(简体)
原标题:Under loop, how to assign event depending on the condition based on index value

我有50个小区,我正在根据目前的内容安排活动。 然而,我希望根据情况安排活动。

For example, divs are arranged one behind another, just like a photo stack. I want user to first hit first div, then only they should able to hit second div then third div and so on till they reach the end of divs.

由于以下代码用户可打碎机,并采取行动。 但行动需要逐一进行。 之后一分四。 请建议解决办法。

var flag=0;
var flipImage=document.querySelectorAll( .shadow );  
   for(j=0; j<flipImage.length; j++){
   var currentFlipImage=flipImage[j];
      currentFlipImage.addEventListener( click ,flipDown,false);


var _handler = null;
var images = document.querySelectorAll( .shadow );
var length = images.length;

function attachHandler(index) {
    if(_handler) {
        // remove the click handler from the previous image
        images[index-1].removeEventListener( click , _handler, false);
        _handler = null;
    if(index < length) {
        var handler = function(event) {
            attachHandler(index+1); // add the click handler to next image
        images[index].addEventListener( click , handler, false);
        _handler = handler;  // capture reference for removal



重要的附带说明: <代码>querySelectorAll()的回报率为,live<>。 这意味着,在您称之为<代码>length时,该清单将重新评价(这些内容将再次查询),从而增加履约费用。 因此,从来不使用<代码>list.length,载于for。 页: 1

rel=“nofollow”>Working DEMO

If you want to make it going in a loop, just remove the if statement (keep the body of course) and do

index = index % length;


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<script type="text/javascript">
function div_click(event)
  var div_clicked = event.currentTarget,
      next_sequence = parseInt(div_clicked.id.split("_")[1]) + 1,
      next_div = document.getElementById("mydiv_" + next_sequence);
  //alerts are just for testing here

  div_clicked.removeEventListener( click ,div_click,false);
  next_div.addEventListener( click ,div_click,false);

window.onload = function()
  var first_div = document.getElementById("mydiv_0");
  first_div.addEventListener( click ,div_click,false);
<div id="mydiv_0">Click 0</div>
<div id="mydiv_1">Click 1</div>
<div id="mydiv_2">Click 2</div>
<div id="mydiv_3">Click 3</div>
<div id="mydiv_4">Click 4</div>
<div id="mydiv_5">Click 5</div>



var flipImage = document.querySelectorAll( .shadow ), current = 0;
function flipDown(){
   current = (current > flipImage.length)? 0 : current;
   for(j = 0; j < flipImage.length; j++){
      flipImage[j].style.zIndex = (j == current)? 2 : 1;
window.onload = function(){
  for(j = 0; j < flipImage.length; j++){


这一工作旨在开展重点活动或开展非布置活动,但对于触动、 mo动和关键板的活动是有益的。


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