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标签制度的差异 表格和单元 表格
原标题:Difference between ValidatorForm and DynaValidatorForm
  • 时间:2010-12-08 23:05:41
  •  标签:
  • struts




The answer to this is in fact the difference between ActionForm and DynaActionForm.

在Stuts,人人都知道ActionForm阶级(因此,我不说哪里话)。 但并非每个人都知道(或理解——我包括)

DynaActionForms的思想是,你不为每种超文本形式设立表格,而是混为一谈(在休战卷中申报其财产、类型和违约)。 所谓“妇科”,你知道......,但被证明是一些人所理解或使用的,并造成一些重大不利之处:

  • they act sort of like a Map so it has the same problems of maps, like retrieving data from it, you know, as an Object which you then have to cast. So you have casts everywhere;
  • compiler no longer notifies you when you screw something up like a name of a property for example, so compile errors turn into runtime errors;
  • the things are not really dynamic since you still have to restart the server after you "reconfigured" the properties in the struts-config.xml file (or else modifications won t be picked up);
  • code completion does not work on DynaActionForms, type safety sucks (we are not taking generics here) and there are other nuisances that I can t remember right now.

......好是,从Stuts的角度来看,你有两种主要形式处理: ActionForm and DynaActionForm (even if the DynaActionForm is in fact a subclass of ActionForm).

但是,你还有validator plugin,其中你将鉴定规则放在外部档案中,并用你的行动形式予以采纳。 您利用“行动儿童论坛:瓦莱德人论坛”来ook起有效器。 而且,由于你有两种形式,你还必须看看看医生的假肢:进入DynaValidatorForm。




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