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原标题:RegEx to minimize CSS

我有一张海峡前座总汇/米吉斯/马舍尔。 它现在运作良好。

I am however wondering if there is any way to improve my minimizing regex calls. Some comments are not striped from the CSS entirely, and I notice a few other hiccups here and there.




function minimizeData( _content ) {
    var content = _content;
    content = content.replace( /(/*.**/)|(
)+|	*/g,    );
    content = content.replace( /s{2,}/g,     );
    content = content.replace( /(s)*:(s)*/g,  :  );
    content = content.replace( /(s)+./g,   .  );
    content = content.replace( /(s|
)*/g,  {  );
    content = content.replace( /(s|
)*/g,  }  );
    content = content.replace( /;(s)+/g,  ;  );
    content = content.replace( /,(s)+/g,  ,  );
    content = content.replace( /(s)+!/g,  !  );
    return content;
function minimizeData( _content ) {
    var content = _content;
    content = content.replace( //*(?:(?!*/)[sS])**/|[
	]+/g,    );
    // now all comments, newlines and tabs have been removed
    content = content.replace( / {2,}/g,     );
    // now there are no more than single adjacent spaces left
    // now unnecessary: content = content.replace( /(s)+./g,   .  );
    content = content.replace( / ([{:}]) /g,  $1  );
    content = content.replace( /([;,]) /g,  $1  );
    content = content.replace( / !/g,  !  );
    return content;

应当更加明确,避免重复。 第一次更换后,只有空位;第二次更换后,只有单一空位。 这使得以下替代更为容易。


/*       # Match /*
(?:       # Match (any number of times)...
 (?!*/)  # ... as long as we re not right before a */:
 [sS]   # any character (whitespace or non-whitespace).
)*        # (End of repeated non-capturing group)
*/       # Match */


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