English 中文(简体)
原标题:Parse time data from HTML using jQuery

我在我的一页上翻了一番 j,为逊尼派和逊尼派产出。 下面的法典是产出(假设这些时间每天都发生变化)。 我在植被产出上没有控制。

<div id="sun_container">
    <div class="details">
        Sunrise: <strong>7:00AM</strong> |
        Sunset: <strong>4:30PM</strong>


<div id="sun_button">
    <img src="images/day.png">

I want to parse out the sunrise time and the sunset time and compare these against the current server time (which I can output via PHP if necessary).



http://www.un.org。 如今,Im在网页<head>上输出服务器时间,使用:

var服务器_time = “<?=date(”H:i:s”, time()?>”


<代码>var服务器_time = “17:07:41”;


You can do it very easily with the DateJS JavaScript library:

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.datejs.com/build/date.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
 var sunrise = Date.parse($(".details strong:eq(0)").text());
 var sunset = Date.parse($(".details strong:eq(1)").text());
    if(Date.parse("" + server_time).between(sunrise, sunset)) { 
    else {

http://jsfiddle.net/tsabd/"rel=“nofollow”> 在这里打听!



var sunrise = $( #sun_container .details strong:eq(0) ).text();
var sunset = $( #sun_container .details strong:eq(1) ).text();


if (isNight) {
    $( #sun_button img ).attr( src ,  images/night.png );

That should get you started.


<div id="server_time">18:00</div>
$(function() {
// Assume server_time is 24hr
var server = new Date(Date.parse("2000-01-01 " + $( #server_time ).text()));
var sunrise = $( #sun_container .details strong:eq(0) ).first().text();
var sunset = $( #sun_container .details strong:eq(1) ).last().text();

// strip off AM/PM
sunrise = sunrise.substring(0, sunrise.length-2);
sunset = sunset.substring(0, sunset.length-2);

// Parse to standard dates
sunrise = new Date(Date.parse("2000-01-01 " + sunrise)) ;
sunset = new Date(Date.parse("2000-01-01 " + sunset));
// Add tweleve hours to compensate for PM
sunset.setHours(sunset.getHours() + 12);

if (server < sunrise || server > sunset)
    $( #sun_button > img ).attr( src ,  images/night );

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