English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can i give a limit to an append function with javascript?

I have an append button which appends endlessly if you click it endlessly. Lets say i want this button to do this 10 times.

让我以无耻的法典告诉你:p 我所想的是什么,以便我能够从我的错误中吸取教训;(一) 知道自己的错误,但犹豫不决。

thismany = 1;

appendbutton.onClick = "thismany = +1";
if{ thismany = <9}

appendbutton.onClick = disabled


    var count = 1;
    document.getElementById("the_node_id").onclick = function(){
        if(count > 10){
        count ++;


var count = 1;
addEvent(append, "click", function(/* someargument */){ 
    if(count > 10){
    // if you need arguments that are passed to the function,
    // you can add them to the anonymous one and pass them 
    // to appendFunction
    appendFunction(/* someargument */);

This is straight javascript. You might also consider looking into a framework such as jQuery to make it easier for you.

这假定 but子的超文本为id=“appendButton”

var count = 0;
document.getElementById("appendButton").onClick = function(e) {
     if( count >= 10 ) {
          return false;
     else {
          count ++;
          document.getElementById("id_of_thing_you_append_to").innerHTML += "Whatever you re appending";


var thismany = 0;

appendbutton.onclick = function() {
  if (thismany++ < 10) {
    // append things


appendbutton.onclick = function() {
  if (this.count == undefined) {
    this.count = 0;

  if (this.count++ < 10) {
    // append things

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