English 中文(简体)
原标题:Finding the minimum balance given a time frame

鉴于时间框架,我能够计算最低平衡的最佳方法是什么? 在我的数据库中,我有一个交存栏和一份撤销栏和日期栏。


假设1/1,余额为300。 1/2时,共交存300份。 1/15, 200美元被撤回,余额为400美元。 1/25年,又撤回300份,余额减至100份。 1/28,800个交存,余额共计900个。 如果在1/31时我计算该月的最低余额,我就应当得到100。 任何想法?



with cte_transaction_data as
    select 300 as deposit, null as withdraw, date  01/02/2010  as transaction_date union all
    select null, 200, date  01/15/2010  union all
    select null, 300, date  01/25/2010  union all
    select 800, null, date  01/28/2010 
    min(balance) as minimum_balance
            date_trunc( month , transaction_date) as month,
            + coalesce(sum(deposit) over(order by transaction_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row), 0)
            - coalesce(sum(withdraw) over(order by transaction_date rows between unbounded preceding and current row), 0) as balance
         from cte_transaction_data
    ) as running_balance
group by
order by


month                   minimum_balance
2010-01-01 00:00:00-06  100

Loop through each entry in the database for every day that there was a deposit/withdrawal and store the lowest number in a variable. If the number for the day being checked is lower, replace the variable with that number.

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