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原标题:hanging eclipse problems

I m having some weird problems with Eclipse lately. I haven t installed any new plugins that I think could have caused them (xcarecrows and m2eclipse, both already removed).

问题是,Eclipse有时随意hang。 有时仅仅通过开放,有时在德国马克装物时点击任何地方,有时在旧法(Java)上。 但是,最大的问题是,它没有说服力。

AFAIK the problem started when I experimented with settings in eclipse.ini, but I can t be sure because it was some time ago and it hasn t happened all that often. I don t know how to find out what could be causing this so I m asking here, maybe someone can suggest some diagnostics. Also, here s my eclipse.ini, maybe there s something wrong in it:

C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_22/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll

这类问题的直观参考资料是:。 如何报告Eclipse的僵局

你们需要找到所有透镜的堆放场。 也许会让大家了解一个坏的gin,或或许是迷失。

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