我想在 j子末添加一句话。 与此类似:
var mytable = $("<table><tbody><tr><td>");
mytable += "Test</td></tr></tbody></table>";
Doesn t work either.
我想在 j子末添加一句话。 与此类似:
var mytable = $("<table><tbody><tr><td>");
mytable += "Test</td></tr></tbody></table>";
Doesn t work either.
页: 1 工作方式如此。 当你重新处理酒类中的内容时,这些内容始终有效。 如果它能够证实这一点,它就赢得了补充。 我尝试过你的榜样,并填写了无效的超文本:
var mytable = $("<table><tbody><tr><td>");
// mytable is equal to $("<table><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>");
If you re looking to add a new cell to your table, you could select the required element (i.e. the tr
) and then use the append method
mytable.find("tr").append("<td>New cell</td>");
当然,只要他们加入有效超文本,你就能够加在一起,把他们放在 j子里。
var string1 = "<table><tbody><tr><td>First half and";
string1 = " second half</td></tr></tbody></table>";
mytable = $(string1 + string2);
"<table><tbody><tr><td>" //jQuery will try to create full html elements from what you enter
"Test</td></tr></tbody></table>" // this will never work, cause this tags are closing only and the table might have been already build when the line before gets executed
jQuery might be able to create valid elements from not fully valid html, but this does not work in every case. I suggest you try to work with valid html!!!
jQuery cannot create page elements unless you provide full valid HTML. I m not sure of your exact needs but you should do something on this line:
var mytable = $("<table><tbody><tr><td></td></tr></tbody></table>").find("td").text("Test");
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