我知道谷歌透镜每个要求有5 000个特性,但在特定时期内允许提出多少要求?
I ve seen many websites AND programs that access the google translation service. I m trying to create a little app where there are basically 2 TextBox controls and a Button, where you can select a ...
我知道谷歌透镜每个要求有5 000个特性,但在特定时期内允许提出多少要求?
由于(已付)角度翻译了APIC诉2,人们可以设定不同的配额,如Per-User Limit,因为后者减少了用户可发送翻译的特性上限。 你们可以把这一比率定在你所希望的低水平,即10.0个特性/秒/用户。
Remark There is no more free google translate API: V1 was shut down on Dec. 1, 2011, and for V2 you have to pay. See: Google language APIs
IMPORTANT : if you don t see the line "BigQuery API" -> 5 requests/second/user is because you don t have a professional account gmail. Also : You have to enable Biling (professional account or not).
I ve seen many websites AND programs that access the google translation service. I m trying to create a little app where there are basically 2 TextBox controls and a Button, where you can select a ...
What API s and data sets are available for use in programs to teach natural languages e.g. to aid in learning to read/write/listen/speak a 2nd language? These could be web or traditional API s to ...
Is there a way to use the Google Translate API with PHP (server-side)?
We re using google translate to translate some shorter texts dynamically on our site. The current implementation looks pretty much like this example in google code playground. Now we need to ...
I have a lot of dynamic pages in German.I want to translate them to English. After translation, i have to insert them to database. Are there any plugins that uses Google s Language API ? Thanks
I found this utility, pytranslate, which translates a variety of languages into each other using Google s translation API. It works exactly as described. However I ve gotten sick of selecting a word ...
I want to remove top frame using google Language Translation link ( http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.yahoo.com/ ).... after inserting site ...
Iam采用人工语言翻译的混合方法,并利用jquery-translate libray进行gogle翻译。 我已经放弃了正确开展工作的权宜之计,但是,奥古角缺乏一些语言。