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原标题:Google Translate API Requests Limit

我知道谷歌透镜每个要求有5 000个特性,但在特定时期内允许提出多少要求?


Accessing Google Translation Service (C# WinForms)

I ve seen many websites AND programs that access the google translation service. I m trying to create a little app where there are basically 2 TextBox controls and a Button, where you can select a ...

Resources for programs teaching natural languages

What API s and data sets are available for use in programs to teach natural languages e.g. to aid in learning to read/write/listen/speak a 2nd language? These could be web or traditional API s to ...

Google Translate call from JS using POST

We re using google translate to translate some shorter texts dynamically on our site. The current implementation looks pretty much like this example in google code playground. Now we need to ...

Google Translate for Ruby on Rails

I have a lot of dynamic pages in German.I want to translate them to English. After translation, i have to insert them to database. Are there any plugins that uses Google s Language API ? Thanks

Send selected text to a command line argument

I found this utility, pytranslate, which translates a variety of languages into each other using Google s translation API. It works exactly as described. However I ve gotten sick of selecting a word ...

Want to Remove Frame of google translator

I want to remove top frame using google Language Translation link ( http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=es&tl=en&u=http://www.yahoo.com/ ).... after inserting site ...

j 翻译

Iam采用人工语言翻译的混合方法,并利用jquery-translate libray进行gogle翻译。 我已经放弃了正确开展工作的权宜之计,但是,奥古角缺乏一些语言。
