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Is there a level limit in dojo treegrid?

I ve trying to get the treegrid using forestmodel to work the last several days. It seems to me that there is a limit to the number of level can be displayed using programmatically created treegrid. I modified dojo s "dojox/grid/tests/test_treegrid_model2.html", once I add another level under "Ottwa", I got a "dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore: Invalid item argument." error.

... { id: CA , name: Canada , type: country , population: 33 million , area: 9,984,670 sq km , children:[{_reference: Ottawa }, {_reference: Toronto }]}, { id: Ottawa , name: Ottawa , type: city , population: 0.9 million , timezone: -5 UTC , children:[{_reference: Ottawa1 }]}, { id: Ottawa1 , name: Ottawa1 , type: city1 , population: 0.9 million , timezone: -5 UTC }, ...

If I add the 2 new cities to Canada, it works just fine. ... { id: CA , name: Canada , type: country , population: 33 million , area: 9,984,670 sq km , children:[{_reference: Ottawa }, {_reference: Toronto }, {_reference: Ottawa1 }, {_reference: Ottawa2 }] }, { id: Ottawa , name: Ottawa , type: city , population: 0.9 million , timezone: -5 UTC }, { id: Ottawa1 , name: Ottawa1 , type: city1 , population: 0.9 million , timezone: -5 UTC }, { id: Ottawa2 , name: Ottawa2 , type: city1 , population: 0.9 million , timezone: -5 UTC }, ...

Is there a limit to the number of level can be displayed in TreeGrid? Thanks,



OK, I m answering my own question, and hopefully it ll be useful for other people. It is a confirmed bug, the bug fix is scheduled to be released with 1.6. But if you check out the most recent trunk(http://svn.dojotoolkit.org/src/), and just update your TreeGrid.js, it should fix the problem.



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