I m试图在我的地方机器上安装一个DSN,使用ODBC,到2005年远程服务器。 I m 使用了服务器Austhentication,但当我试图连接时,Icu服务器 Error 14-DBNETLIB InvalidLink, State: 01000 and 08001 。 令人困惑的是,我可以通过我的当地个人电脑的服务器管理演播室把微粒连接起来,我只能用ODBC架设一个链接。 任何帮助或见解都受到赞赏。 我检查了通常的嫌疑人、纳米管道和TCP/IP都能够在服务器上进行,1433号港口在本地和遥远的机器上开放。
I noticed that there were some threads with similar questions, and I did look through them but did not really get a convincing answer. Here s my question: The subquery below returns a Table with 3 ...