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您是否尝试了HttpUnit? 它对一些基本 Java本有APIC。


这只是一种意见......,但从你提出的法典来看,这一联系是一种倒退,而不是传统的“联系”。 您将需要在网页上点击这一链接,以便它能够做任何有意义的工作。

采用该守则不会(可能不会)工作。 该页的密码将准确确定在发出后退时会发生什么情况。


Do you own/control the page s code? If you do, can you post the ASP and codebehind?

ppd=TRUE&p_Created_x0020_Date=6%2f9%2f2009%208%3a 333a19%20AM&p_ID=216


Spring Properties File

Hi have this j2ee web application developed using spring framework. I have a problem with rendering mnessages in nihongo characters from the properties file. I tried converting the file to ascii using ...

Logging a global ID in multiple components

I have a system which contains multiple applications connected together using JMS and Spring Integration. Messages get sent along a chain of applications. [App A] -> [App B] -> [App C] We set a ...

Java Library Size

If I m given two Java Libraries in Jar format, 1 having no bells and whistles, and the other having lots of them that will mostly go unused.... my question is: How will the larger, mostly unused ...

How to get the Array Class for a given Class in Java?

I have a Class variable that holds a certain type and I need to get a variable that holds the corresponding array class. The best I could come up with is this: Class arrayOfFooClass = java.lang....

SQLite , Derby vs file system

I m working on a Java desktop application that reads and writes from/to different files. I think a better solution would be to replace the file system by a SQLite database. How hard is it to migrate ...
