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将.NET Windows控件升级为WPF控件的最佳方式是什么?
  • 时间:2009-04-02 09:36:53
  •  标签:

We are about to upgrade a C# windows application (1.1) to WPF from windows controls (3.5).

  • Do you have any suggestions on where to start
  • Any tips & tricks?
  • What to avoid?

The window controls (1.1 .NET) are present in a separate project within the solution together with our "entrypoint" and "process controller" for the application.


我建议从小处开始,因为学习WPF / Xaml的曲线非常陡峭,我认为一个熟练的C#/ WinForms开发人员需要6个月的时间才能感到舒适 - 因此您的“...大型应用程序和大量业务逻辑...”可能不是一个好的开始选择。

OTOH if you re team is already upto speed with WPF, the real first step is deciding what features the users want that can be best served by the graphical niceties of WPF. If they really do want 3D spinning forms, then implement a good working prototype of that, if they want resizing documents, then do that. This is an elephant of a problem, you can only solve it a small piece at a time.



