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需要帮助使用Windows batch书写器,根据档案名称的一部分确定瓦尔的阀值。
原标题:Need help with a Windows batch script which should set val of var based on part of a file name

This is not a homework - who would have homework on batch scripting? I need to automate something. Currently there is a hard-coded batch script meant to be run daily to get systems, and it needs to work in a dynamic fashion. All it needs as an input is a build number, which can be deduced from the name of the file located at ... say C:DumpLocation. I am not good at batch scripting, and looking for a batch Ninja. If it was up to me, I would code this up in Python myself, but I cannot expect others to install it just for this. PowerShell is also not available on every Windows computer, so batch script is the lowest common denominator.

This should help: http://www.techsupportforum.com/microsoft-support/windows-xp-support/54848-set-variable-based-output-seach-string-batch.html


dirToLookAt =  C:DumpLocation 
# In that location there should be a single file named
# Custom_SomethingBuild34567Client_12345.zip
# I want to extract the build number into a variable to this effect:
buildNumber =  34567 
# strings which surround the build number are fixed.
# If there is more than one zip file with a build number in it,
# I need to print a warning and pick the largest one.
# I can do the rest.






REM Get a count of the files in the directory

set /a FileCount=0
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in ( dir/s/b/a-d C:DumpLocation ) do (
set /a FileCount+=1

REM If the file count is greater than or equal to 2, warn the user
IF %FileCount% GTR 1 ECHO The total number of files in the directory is:  %FileCount%

REM If the file count is less than or equal to 0, pause and exit
IF %FileCount% LEQ 0 PAUSE & EXIT

:: For each build number, use that number if it is the largest number
:: In the loop, we ll strip out the assumed constants, leaving us with a build number.

SET Build=
SET /a BuildNum=0
FOR /F %%A IN ( DIR /P /B C:DumpLocation ) DO (
   SET Build=%%A
   SET Build=!Build:Custom_SomethingBuild=!
   SET Build=!Build:Client_12345.zip=!
   IF !Build! GTR !BuildNum! SET /a BuildNum=!Build!

ECHO The greatest build number in the directory is:  %BuildNum%


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