目前,我正试图在我的申请中增加一个速效的特点。 我仅仅通过了一些数据,使用箱管束将适当的数据输入微粒。
The problem being once i have closed the fancybox down for the first time and move onto the second item to edit and click, everything loads up ok visualy (including tinyMCE) but i cannot edit within the wysiwyg editor with firebug displaying undefined e or t or d whichever one it decides to show...
function remove_mce(){
tinyMCE.execCommand( mceRemoveControl ,false, elm1 );
$( #tree a ).bind( click , function(){
$( #tree ul li ul ).removeClass( showBranch );
var ob = $(this);
var ob_parent = ob.parent( li );
ob_parent.removeClass( branch ).addClass( branch-open );
ob.parents( ul ).addClass( showBranch );
$( ~ li , ob_parent).children( :first ).addClass( showBranch );
return false;
$("#tree .product a").fancybox({
autoDimensions : false,
width : 750 ,
height : 90% ,
transitionIn : elastic ,
transitionOut : elastic ,
speedIn : 600,
speedOut : 200,
overlayShow : true,
hideOnOverlayClick : false,
onCleanup : remove_mce()