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jquery text area length est?
原标题:jquery text area length count?

I have a text area field where i need to provide information about the word count when the user enters some text in the field. Length of the field is supposed to be 500 Characters. Initialy it must show

敏锐特性:100 ±0,500 /0, 必须是红色。

用户一旦进入,也需要更新计算。 用户一旦达到计算标准,就需显示100的特性。

min natures:100 ±100 ,500 /100 , 必须是绿色的。

How can i do this?? is there any plugin for the same??? let me know your thoughts on this.


Try to use this plugin feature

jquery-character-counter from jqeasy.com



var count = $("#your_textarea").val().length;

i 用途

j 抗生素

http://roy-jin.appspot.com/jsp/textareaCounter.jsp” rel=“nofollow”http://roy-jin.appspot.com/jsp/textareaCounter.jsp

我对冲淡事件感到困惑,在key上取得了成功。 这里,我提出的法典是缩小其余特征(限制120)。

$(function() {
  var input = $( #my-input ), display = $( .char-count ), count = 0, limit = 120;

  count = input.val().length
  remaining = limit - count

  input.keyup(function(e) {
    count = $(this).val().length;
    remaining = limit - count;


  function update(count) {
    var txt = ( Math.abs(count) === 1 ) ? count +   Character Remaining  :  count +   Characters Remaining 


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