English 中文(简体)
1. 对roid的坚定支持
原标题:Firmware support in android

I wanted to know how to start with a new device addition to android. Say, I have a new hardware, a barcode scanner and want to add this to my android phone. How do I do this? i mean how do the OEMs go about this? Do they have some kind of tie-up with Google for this proprietary addition?

My understanding/approach is as below: 1. Take the firmware of the new hardware. 2. Interface it with android (here is my doubt,how do I do this?) 3. Write an android application to use the device, say add the costs of all objects scanned by the new h/w. The firmware sends me the barcode. I, in my android app, collect all the codes, match their prices and add them up. Is this app written in java?

Regards Aad


自己没有这样做。 然而,我的理解与你的理解相似。

  • if neccessary, write/adapt driver for your HW in Linux kernel
  • write userspace library that accesses hw
  • extend Android framework to allow programs running in Dalvik VM to interact with the library
  • write an app that uses the new features

你们可以首先从非洲海洋生物组织的草原框架代码开始,并熟悉它。 trick计是使你们的改变得到官方来源树的接受。 否则,任何想要使用你的照相的人也需要掌握你的习俗。

For the big picture, here s Google IO 2008 presentation on Android platform architecture: http://sites.google.com/site/io/anatomy--physiology-of-an-android

我还认为,这种问题可以完全回答。 我猜想,一旦你开始项目,你会提出更有重点的孤立问题,从而获得更好的建议。



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