English 中文(简体)
原标题:instruments showing NSPlaceholderstring leaks

我试图减少我的照片中的记忆泄露,因此,我利用仪器发现所有泄漏。 我设法消除了几乎所有的泄露,但空洞除外。

Instruments is telling me that i have a lot of NSPlaceholderstring leaks. The code that generated the leak (according to instruments) is:

if (nil == storedHash) 
  NSString *description = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"1 = %@ 2= %d", uId, service];
  self.storedHash = description; // This line is the leak according to instruments

  [description release];
  description = nil;

return storedHash

储存 哈希的定义类似:

@property(copy) NSString* storedHash;

I tried everything i can think of:

  • I used retain instead of copy
  • I used an autorelease allocation of the NSString (stringWithFormat)
  • I tried wrapping the code with an autorelease pool

上述任何内容都没有改变泄漏。 (在某些情况下,泄漏的变化类型,但仍有泄漏)



哪里? 您是否在<条码>上公布。

注:<代码>NSPlaceholdeString是一个执行细节;通过<代码>NSString s+alloc退回的类别。

如何使用<代码>dealloc方法? 你们是否释放了交易方法中储存的Hash? 如何核对<代码>if(nil ==自封的Hash)。


@property(nonatomic, retain) NSString* storedHash;

相反,抄本。 @property(copy) don t release You original NSObject and You should do it yourself:

if (nil == storedHash) 
  NSString *description = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"1 = %@ 2= %d", uId, service];
  [self.storedHash release];
  self.storedHash = description; // This line is the leak according to instruments

  [description release];
  // description = nil; // it s unnecessary

也请你释放储存的物资 Hash in distrac.

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