English 中文(简体)
javascript的 San基
原标题:Sankey diagram in javascript


function Sankey(x0, y0, height, losses) {
    var initialcolor = Raphael.getColor();
    var start = x0 + 200;
    var level = y0 + height;
    var heightunit = height / 100;
    var remaining = 100 * heightunit;

    function drawloss(start, level, loss) {
        var thecolor = Raphael.getColor();
        paper.path("M" + (start - 100) + "," + (level - loss) + "L" + start + "," + (level - loss)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
        paper.path("M" + (start - 100) + "," + level + "L" + start + "," + level).attr({stroke: thecolor});
        paper.path("M " + start + "," + level + " Q" + (start + 100) + "," + level + " " + (start + 100) + "," + (level + 100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
        paper.path("M " + start + "," + (level - loss) + " Q" + (start + 100 + loss) + "," + (level - loss) + " " + (start + 100 + loss) + "," + (level + 100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
        paper.path("M " + (start + 100) + "," + (level + 100) + " L " + (start - 10 + 100) + "," + (level + 100) + " L " + (start + loss / 2 + 100) + "," + (level + 110) + " L " + (start + loss + 10 + 100) + "," + (level + 100) + " L " + (start + loss + 100) + ", " + (level + 100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});

    function drawremaining(start, level, loss) {
        paper.path("M 100," + y0 + "L" + (start + 100) + "," + y0).attr({stroke: initialcolor});
        paper.path("M" + (start - 100) + "," + level + "L" + (start + 100) + "," + level).attr({stroke: initialcolor});
        paper.path("M " + (start + 100) + " " + y0 + " L " + (start + 100) + " " + (y0 - 10) + " L " + (start + 110) + " " + (y0 + loss / 2) + " L " + (start + 100) + " " + (level + 10) + " L " + (start + 100) + " " + level).attr({stroke: initialcolor});

    function drawstart(x0, y0, width, height) {
        paper.path("M " + x0 + "," + y0 + "L" + (x0 + width) + "," + y0).attr({stroke: initialcolor});
        paper.path("M " + x0 + "," + (y0 + height) + "L" + (x0 + width) + "," + y0 + height)).attr({stroke:  initialcolor});
        paper.path("M " + x0 + "," + y0 + "L" + x0 + "," + (y0 + height)).attr({stroke: initialcolor});

    drawstart(x0, y0, 100, height);

    for (var i in losses) {
        drawloss(start, level, losses[i] * heightunit);
        remaining -= losses[i] * heightunit;
        level -= losses[i] * heightunit;
        start += 100;


<div id="notepad" style="height:1000px; width:1000px; background: #eee"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById("notepad"), 1020, 1000);
    var losses=[50, 30, 5];
    Sankey(10, 100, 200, losses);



页: 1

由于我有幸走上了这条道路,我不得不对上面一些抄本的法典感到乐观,以便使之发挥作用,但肯定会给我一个良好的起点。 下面的法典可编为“.htm”档案,而且你刚刚需要将拉斐尔-min放在同一个目录中,以便工作。

Regards / Colm

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="JS">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<title>Raphael makes Sankey</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="raphael-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function Sankey(x0,y0,height,losses){
    initialcolor= Raphael.getColor();
    var start=x0+200;
    var level=y0+height;    
    var heightunit=height/100;
    var remaining=100*heightunit;

function drawloss(start,level,loss){
    var thecolor=Raphael.getColor();
    paper.path("M"+(start-100)+","+(level-loss)+"L"+start+","+(level-loss)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
    paper.path("M"+(start-100)+","+(level)+"L"+start+","+(level)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
    paper.path("M "+start+","+level+" Q"+(start+100)+","+level+" "+(start+100)+","+(level+100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
    paper.path("M "+start+","+(level-loss)+" Q"+(start+100+loss)+","+(level-loss)+" "+(start+100+loss)+","+(level+100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});
    paper.path("M "+(start+100)+","+(level+100)+" L "+(start-10+100)+","+(level+100)+" L "+(start+(loss/2)+100)+","+(level+110)+" L "+(start+(loss)+10+100)+","+(level+100)+" L "+(start+(loss)+100)+", "+(level+100)).attr({stroke: thecolor});

function drawremaining(start,level,loss){
    paper.path("M 100,"+y0+"L"+(start+100)+","+y0).attr({stroke: initialcolor});
    paper.path("M"+(start-100)+","+(level)+"L"+(start+100)+","+(level)).attr({stroke: initialcolor});
    paper.path("M "+(start+100)+" "+y0+" L "+(start+100)+" "+(y0-10)+" L "+(start+110)+" "+(y0+(loss/2))+" L "+(start+100)+" "+(level+10)+" L "+(start+100)+" "+(level)).attr({stroke: initialcolor});

function drawstart(x0, y0, width, height){
    paper.path("M "+x0+","+y0+"L"+(x0+width)+","+y0+"").attr({stroke: initialcolor});
    paper.path("M "+x0+","+(y0+height)+"L"+(x0+width)+","+y0+height+"").attr({stroke:  initialcolor});
    paper.path("M "+x0+","+y0+"L"+x0+","+(y0+height)+"").attr({stroke: initialcolor});

    for (var i in losses){
    drawremaining(start, level, remaining);
<body id="blog">
    <div id="notepad" style="height:1000px; width:1000px; background: #eee"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var paper = Raphael(document.getElementById("notepad"), 1020, 1000);
    var losses=[50, 30, 5];
    Sankey(10, 100, 200, losses);


对于那些竭力把D3Sankey的故事活下来的人,我发现这个超声电视导演。 做像我的药一样工作:

另外,如果你能够做这项工作,react-google-charts。 有一种可比较容易与(至少是执行这一榜样,只是复制整个组成部分,见:https://react-google-charts.com/sankey-diagram:

import Chart from "react-google-charts";

  height={ 300px }
  loader={<div>Loading Chart</div>}
    [ From ,  To ,  Weight ],
    [ A ,  X , 5],
    [ A ,  Y , 7],
    [ A ,  Z , 6],
    [ B ,  X , 2],
    [ B ,  Y , 9],
    [ B ,  Z , 4],
  rootProps={{  data-testid :  1  }}

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