这样做的最容易的方法是什么? 我在数学上失败,我发现互联网上的公式十分复杂。 如果有某种更简单的东西,则不希望?
I m also hoping it would take advantage of the fact that both shapes are symmetric.
Edit: c在X,y,z axises上调。
这样做的最容易的方法是什么? 我在数学上失败,我发现互联网上的公式十分复杂。 如果有某种更简单的东西,则不希望?
I m also hoping it would take advantage of the fact that both shapes are symmetric.
Edit: c在X,y,z axises上调。
浏览 Adam s notation:
inline float squared(float v) { return v * v; }
bool doesCubeIntersectSphere(vec3 C1, vec3 C2, vec3 S, float R)
float dist_squared = R * R;
/* assume C1 and C2 are element-wise sorted, if not, do that now */
if (S.X < C1.X) dist_squared -= squared(S.X - C1.X);
else if (S.X > C2.X) dist_squared -= squared(S.X - C2.X);
if (S.Y < C1.Y) dist_squared -= squared(S.Y - C1.Y);
else if (S.Y > C2.Y) dist_squared -= squared(S.Y - C2.Y);
if (S.Z < C1.Z) dist_squared -= squared(S.Z - C1.Z);
else if (S.Z > C2.Z) dist_squared -= squared(S.Z - C2.Z);
return dist_squared > 0;
Jim Arvo has an algorithm for this in Graphics Gems 2 which works in N-Dimensions. I believe you want "case 3" at the bottom of this page: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~arvo/code/BoxSphereIntersect.c which cleaned up for your case is:
bool BoxIntersectsSphere(Vec3 Bmin, Vec3 Bmax, Vec3 C, float r) {
float r2 = r * r;
dmin = 0;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
if( C[i] < Bmin[i] ) dmin += SQR( C[i] - Bmin[i] );
else if( C[i] > Bmax[i] ) dmin += SQR( C[i] - Bmax[i] );
return dmin <= r2;
// Assume clampTo is a new value. Obviously, don t move the sphere
closestPointBox = sphere.center.clampTo(box)
isIntersecting = sphere.center.distanceTo(closestPointBox) < sphere.radius
Wow, -2. Tough 人群。 Ok, here s the three.js implementation that basic notes the same letter for term.
intersectsSphere: ( function () {
var closestPoint;
return function intersectsSphere( sphere ) {
if ( closestPoint === undefined ) closestPoint = new Vector3();
// Find the point on the AABB closest to the sphere center.
this.clampPoint( sphere.center, closestPoint );
// If that point is inside the sphere, the AABB and sphere intersect.
return closestPoint.distanceToSquared( sphere.center ) <= ( sphere.radius * sphere.radius );
} )(),
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