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WCF - 保留WCF(IIS Hosted)中的目标参考资料
原标题:WCF - Preserving Object References in WCF (IIS Hosted)


Object graph for type MyCompany.MyEntity contains cycles and cannot be serialized if reference tracking is disabled. . Please see InnerException for more details.


I am reading this which explains how to enable preserving references for this case in the self hoseted service environment: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sowmy/archive/2006/03/26/561188.aspx

然而,我的服务必须放在国际公务员制度中。 • 如何使该处能够正确编订名牌照?


这比我想象的要容易,而且肯定会更容易本条的内容: 我刚刚利用这一[概念=真实]来解决这个问题。



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