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Using SimpleHtmlDom, how to remove and replace a specific attribute

I m currently using this HTML DOM PARSER using php : http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/

I m confused on how to remove and replace the selected attribute href="style.css", I want to replace the link with "index/style.css", should I insert only the


or replace the whole attribute from the whole html code?


This should do it:

$doc = str_get_html($code);
foreach ($doc->find( a[href] ) as $a) {
    $href = $a->href;
    if (/* $href begins with a relative URL path */) {
        $a->href =  index/ .$href;

$code = (string) $doc;

You could also use PHP’s native DOM library:

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($doc);
foreach ($xpath->query( //a[@href] ) as $a) {
    $href = $a->getAttribute( href );
    if (/* $href begins with a relative URL path */) {
        $a->setAttribute( href ,  index/ .$href);
$code = $doc->saveHTML();

The official manual has several examples that basically cover all you need:


If you have issues with some specific step, feel free to update your question and provide some of your code.

$html = str_get_html($string); 
if ($html){ // Verify connection, return False if could not load the resource
    $e = $html->find("a");
    foreach ($e as $e_element){
        $old_href = $e_element->outertext;
        // Do your modification in here 
        $e_element->href = affiliate($e_element->href); // for example I replace original link by the return of custom function named  affiliate 
        $e_element->href = ""; //remove href
        $e_element->target .= "_blank"; // I added target _blank to open in new tab
        // end modification 
        $html = str_replace($old_href, $e_element->outertext, $html); // Update the href

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