Putting a TOS workspace under SVN is strongly discouraged, as CSV/SVN as file-based by nature while TOS workspace is directory-based. The probability that you incur in workspace corruption are very high.
However I achieved good results putting in under git, instead (have a look here for an idea). I must say it s not elegant and putting the entire workspace under version control is a tremendous waste of space (you will commit compiled files, logs, history, temp...), but it s the only safe solution for your metadata integrity.
Be aware! In *<workspace_root>/.java* subtree there are external libraries and the classpath files for each job in your project you executed at least one time. These paths are absolute. This mean that if you plan to use your version-controlled workspace in a shared environment anyone in team must place the workspace in the absolute location in their local file system (ie. c:/talend_git/workspace). Otherwise you ll get a class not found exception upon executing jobs. Sad but true.