English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to extract the data from data.store to an array?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <investor name="Active"/>
    <investor name="Aggressive"/>
    <investor name="Conservative"/>
    <investor name="Day Trader"/>
    <investor name="Very Active"/>
    <event period="3 Month Expiry"/>
    <event period="LEAPS"/>
    <event period="Monthlies"/>
    <event period="Monthly Expiries"/>
    <event period="Weeklies"/>
    <price rate="$0.5"/>
    <price rate="$0.05"/>
    <price rate="$1"/>
    <price rate="$22"/>
    <price rate="$100.34"/>


                     var hi= [],hello = [], hey = [];
      Ext.getBody().mask(true,  <div class="demos-loading">Loading&hellip;</div> );  
    var tsstore = new Ext.data.Store({    
        url:  xmlformat.xml ,
        autoLoad: true,
        reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({
               record:  investor 
           }, [{name:  name , mapping:  @name }])

   var evstore = new Ext.data.Store({    
        url:  xmlformat.xml ,
        autoLoad: true,
        reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({
               record:  event 
           }, [{name:  Eve , mapping:  @period }])

   var prstore = new Ext.data.Store({    
        url:  xmlformat.xml ,
        autoLoad: true,
        reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({
               record:  price 
           }, [{name:  Pri , mapping:  @rate }])
    var tsgrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        store: tsstore,
        columns: [{header: "Trading Style", dataIndex:  name , sortable: true}],
        renderTo: example-grid ,
    var evgrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        store: evstore,
        columns: [{header: "Events", dataIndex:  Eve , sortable: true}],
        renderTo: example-gridone ,
    var prgrid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
        store: prstore,
        columns: [{header: "Price", dataIndex:  Pri , sortable: true}],
        renderTo: example-gridtwo ,




i 想要产出:

hello = {"$0.5","$0.05","$1","$22","$100.34"}

but it s not working for me please help thank you


我们应该这样做。 确保“R”资本化。

假设你的问题只是一个字体,如果获得Range(Range)()一片记录,那么贵方的储存可能不会适当装载记录。 你们是否相信你的储存是适当装载记录? 使用火桶在装载后检查储存。

EDIT Looks like you re running getRange() before the store is done loading the data. You re loading the store upon creation (autoLoad:true), but then you re immediately running getRange() (while the XMLHttpRequest is still pending in the background!).


<><><><>>>>>> 这项工程:

        console.log( hi );
        var prstore = new Ext.data.Store({
                url:  xmlformat.xml ,
                autoLoad: true,
                reader: new Ext.data.XmlReader({
                        record:  price 
                    }, [{name:  Pri , mapping:  @rate }])

        prstore.on( load ,function(store,records,opts){                    


你们应当能够看到一系列数据。 页: 1



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