English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to find the kth smallest element in the union of two sorted arrays?


Given two arrays, respectively N and M elements in ascending order, not necessarily unique:
What is a time efficient algorithm to find the kth smallest element in the union of both arrays?

它们说,它采用<条码>O(logN +logM),其中<条码>N和<条码>。

Let s name the arrays a and b. Obviously we can ignore all a[i] and b[i] where i > k.
First let s compare a[k/2] and b[k/2]. Let b[k/2] > a[k/2]. Therefore we can discard also all b[i], where i > k/2.

现在我们有所有<代码>a[i],其中i < k和所有b[i],其中i <k/2找到答案。



你们来得,,只是 keep! 并且与指数相加......

为简化一轨计算,假定N和M“是”的;k,因此这里的复杂性是O(log k),即O(log N+log M)。


i = k/2
j = k - i
step = k/4
while step > 0
    if a[i-1] > b[j-1]
        i -= step
        j += step
        i += step
        j -= step
    step /= 2

if a[i-1] > b[j-1]
    return a[i-1]
    return b[j-1]

示威时,你可以使用 lo子一 +j = k,但我赢得了一切家务劳动。


我希望,我不回答你的家务,因为自问这个问题以来已经一年多了。 此处是尾歇性解决办法,时间为log(len(a)+len(b)>。

Assumption: The inputs are correct, i.e., k is in the range [0, len(a)+len(b)].


  • If length of one of the arrays is 0, the answer is kth element of the second array.


  • If mid index of a + mid index of b is less than k:
    • If mid element of a is greater than mid element of b, we can ignore the first half of b, adjust k.
    • Otherwise, ignore the first half of a, adjust k.
  • If k is less than sum of mid indices of a and b:
    • If mid element of a is greater than mid element of b, we can safely ignore second half of a.
    • Otherwise, we can ignore second half of b.


def kthlargest(arr1, arr2, k):
    if len(arr1) == 0:
        return arr2[k]
    elif len(arr2) == 0:
        return arr1[k]

    mida1 = len(arr1) // 2  # integer division
    mida2 = len(arr2) // 2
    if mida1 + mida2 < k:
        if arr1[mida1] > arr2[mida2]:
            return kthlargest(arr1, arr2[mida2+1:], k - mida2 - 1)
            return kthlargest(arr1[mida1+1:], arr2, k - mida1 - 1)
        if arr1[mida1] > arr2[mida2]:
            return kthlargest(arr1[:mida1], arr2, k)
            return kthlargest(arr1, arr2[:mida2], k)


Many people answered this "kth smallest element from two sorted array" question, but usually with only general ideas, not a clear working code or boundary conditions analysis.

在此,我要仔细地阐述一下我如何帮助一些病人理解,用我的正确工作《 Java法》。 <代码>A1和A2为两种分类的加标阵,其长度分别为<代码>size1和size2。 我们需要从这两个阵列的结合中找到最小的内容。 在这里,我们合理地假设,(k > 0 & k <=尺寸1+尺寸2),这意味着A1A2可能都是空的。

首先,让我用缓慢的O(k)算法来处理这个问题。 该方法将两个阵列的第一个要素进行比较:A1[0]A2[0]。 缩略语:A1[0] 移入我们的袋子。 然后将<代码>A1 XVI/code>与<代码>A2[0]等相比较。 将这一行动撤回到我们的袋子达到k。 非常重要: 在第一步,我们只能承诺在我们的袋子中加入。 We!

下面的O(k)法典在正确回答之前给你一个内容。 我在此利用它来表明我的想法和分析边界状况。 我在此之后有正确的法典:

private E kthSmallestSlowWithFault(int k) {
    int size1 = A1.length, size2 = A2.length;

    int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
    // base case, k == 1
    if (k == 1) {
        if (size1 == 0) {
            return A2[index2];
        } else if (size2 == 0) {
            return A1[index1];
        } else if (A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0) {
            return A1[index1];
        } else {
            return A2[index2];

    /* in the next loop, we always assume there is one next element to compare with, so we can
     * commit to the smaller one. What if the last element is the kth one?
    if (k == size1 + size2) {
        if (size1 == 0) {
            return A2[size2 - 1];
        } else if (size2 == 0) {
            return A1[size1 - 1];
        } else if (A1[size1 - 1].compareTo(A2[size2 - 1]) < 0) {
            return A1[size1 - 1];
        } else {
            return A2[size2 - 1];

     * only when k > 1, below loop will execute. In each loop, we commit to one element, till we
     * reach (index1 + index2 == k - 1) case. But the answer is not correct, always one element
     * ahead, because we didn t merge base case function into this loop yet.
    int lastElementFromArray = 0;
    while (index1 + index2 < k - 1) {
        if (A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0) {
            lastElementFromArray = 1;
            // commit to one element from array A1, but that element is at (index1 - 1)!!!
        } else {
            lastElementFromArray = 2;
    if (lastElementFromArray == 1) {
        return A1[index1 - 1];
    } else {
        return A2[index2 - 1];

最强有力的想法是,在每一处,我们总是采用基例办法。 在致力于目前最小因素之后,我们就接近目标:最小因素。 永远不会跳跃到中间,造成混乱和损失!

通过观察上述代码基例k = 1, k = = 大小1+size2,并与该编码(A2相结合,两者都可以空出。 我们可以将逻辑转化为更简洁的风格。


private E kthSmallestSlow(int k) {
    // System.out.println("this is an O(k) speed algorithm, very concise");
    int size1 = A1.length, size2 = A2.length;

    int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
    while (index1 + index2 < k - 1) {
        if (size1 > index1 && (size2 <= index2 || A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0)) {
            index1++; // here we commit to original index1 element, not the increment one!!!
        } else {
    // below is the (index1 + index2 == k - 1) base case
    // also eliminate the risk of referring to an element outside of index boundary
    if (size1 > index1 && (size2 <= index2 || A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0)) {
        return A1[index1];
    } else {
        return A2[index2];

现在我们可以在O(log k)尝试更快的算法。 同样,将<代码>A1[k/2]与A2[k/2]相比较;如果<代码>A1[k/2]的范围较小,则从<代码>A1[0]到A1[k/2]的所有内容都应放在我们的袋子里。 想法不仅是对每一行程中的一个要素作出承诺;第一步包括<条码>k/2各项内容。 同样,我们可以将<条码>A2[0]列入或排除到<条码>。 因此,在第一步,我们只能停留在<代码>k/2内容之上。 第二步,我们只能停留在<条码>k/4要素......。

在每一个步骤之后,我们更接近于点。 与此同时,每个步骤都较小,直到我们达到<代码>(步骤=1),即<代码>(k-1=指数1+index2)。 然后,我们可以再次提及简单而有力的基例。


private E kthSmallestFast(int k) {
    // System.out.println("this is an O(log k) speed algorithm with meaningful variables name");
    int size1 = A1.length, size2 = A2.length;

    int index1 = 0, index2 = 0, step = 0;
    while (index1 + index2 < k - 1) {
        step = (k - index1 - index2) / 2;
        int step1 = index1 + step;
        int step2 = index2 + step;
        if (size1 > step1 - 1
                && (size2 <= step2 - 1 || A1[step1 - 1].compareTo(A2[step2 - 1]) < 0)) {
            index1 = step1; // commit to element at index = step1 - 1
        } else {
            index2 = step2;
    // the base case of (index1 + index2 == k - 1)
    if (size1 > index1 && (size2 <= index2 || A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0)) {
        return A1[index1];
    } else {
        return A2[index2];

有些人可能会担心,如果<代码>(index1+index2)跳过k-1? 我们是否可以错过基例(k-1=指数1+指数2)? 这是不可能的。 你可以增加0.5+0.25+0.125......,你永远不会超过1。


private E kthSmallestFastRecur(int k, int index1, int index2, int size1, int size2) {
    // System.out.println("this is an O(log k) speed algorithm with meaningful variables name");

    // the base case of (index1 + index2 == k - 1)
    if (index1 + index2 == k - 1) {
        if (size1 > index1 && (size2 <= index2 || A1[index1].compareTo(A2[index2]) < 0)) {
            return A1[index1];
        } else {
            return A2[index2];

    int step = (k - index1 - index2) / 2;
    int step1 = index1 + step;
    int step2 = index2 + step;
    if (size1 > step1 - 1 && (size2 <= step2 - 1 || A1[step1 - 1].compareTo(A2[step2 - 1]) < 0)) {
        index1 = step1;
    } else {
        index2 = step2;
    return kthSmallestFastRecur(k, index1, index2, size1, size2);

希望上述分析和 Java法有助于你们理解。 但是,我从未把我的法典作为你的家事! );

http://stackoverflow.com/a/8935157/4279” (见对算法的解释):

#include <cassert>
#include <iterator>

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare>
typename std::iterator_traits<RandomAccessIterator>::value_type
nsmallest_iter(RandomAccessIterator firsta, RandomAccessIterator lasta,
               RandomAccessIterator firstb, RandomAccessIterator lastb,
               size_t n,
               Compare less) {
  assert(issorted(firsta, lasta, less) && issorted(firstb, lastb, less));
  for ( ; ; ) {
    assert(n < static_cast<size_t>((lasta - firsta) + (lastb - firstb)));
    if (firsta == lasta) return *(firstb + n);
    if (firstb == lastb) return *(firsta + n);

    size_t mida = (lasta - firsta) / 2;
    size_t midb = (lastb - firstb) / 2;
    if ((mida + midb) < n) {
      if (less(*(firstb + midb), *(firsta + mida))) {
        firstb += (midb + 1);
        n -= (midb + 1);
      else {
        firsta += (mida + 1);
        n -= (mida + 1);
    else {
      if (less(*(firstb + midb), *(firsta + mida)))
        lasta = (firsta + mida);
        lastb = (firstb + midb);

它适用于所有<代码>0 <=n < (size(a) +ume(b))indexes,并且有O(log(size(a)+log(size(b)))+


#include <functional> // greater<>
#include <iostream>

#define SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(*a))

int main() {
  int a[] = {5,4,3};
  int b[] = {2,1,0};
  int k = 1; // find minimum value, the 1st smallest value in a,b

  int i = k - 1; // convert to zero-based indexing
  int v = nsmallest_iter(a, a + SIZE(a), b, b + SIZE(b),
                         SIZE(a)+SIZE(b)-1-i, std::greater<int>());
  std::cout << v << std::endl; // -> 0
  return v;

My attempt for first k numbers, kth number in 2 sorted arrays, and in n sorted arrays:

// require() is recognizable by node.js but not by browser;
// for running/debugging in browser, put utils.js and this file in <script> elements,
if (typeof require === "function") require("./utils.js");

// Find K largest numbers in two sorted arrays.
function k_largest(a, b, c, k) {
    var sa = a.length;
    var sb = b.length;
    if (sa + sb < k) return -1;
    var i = 0;
    var j = sa - 1;
    var m = sb - 1;
    while (i < k && j >= 0 && m >= 0) {
        if (a[j] > b[m]) {
            c[i] = a[j];
        } else {
            c[i] = b[m];
    debug.log(2, "i: "+ i + ", j: " + j + ", m: " + m);
    if (i === k) {
        return 0;
    } else if (j < 0) {
        while (i < k) {
            c[i++] = b[m--];
    } else {
        while (i < k) c[i++] = a[j--];
    return 0;

// find k-th largest or smallest number in 2 sorted arrays.
function kth(a, b, kd, dir){
    sa = a.length; sb = b.length;
    if (kd<1 || sa+sb < kd){
        throw "Mission Impossible! I quit!";

    var k;
    //finding the kd_th largest == finding the smallest k_th;
    if (dir === 1){ k = kd;
    } else if (dir === -1){ k = sa + sb - kd + 1;}
    else throw "Direction has to be 1 (smallest) or -1 (largest).";

    return find_kth(a, b, k, sa-1, 0, sb-1, 0);

// find k-th smallest number in 2 sorted arrays;
function find_kth(c, d, k, cmax, cmin, dmax, dmin){

    sc = cmax-cmin+1; sd = dmax-dmin+1; k0 = k; cmin0 = cmin; dmin0 = dmin;
    debug.log(2, "=k: " + k +", sc: " + sc + ", cmax: " + cmax +", cmin: " + cmin + ", sd: " + sd +", dmax: " + dmax + ", dmin: " + dmin);

    c_comp = k0-sc;
    if (c_comp <= 0){
        cmax = cmin0 + k0-1;
    } else {
        dmin = dmin0 + c_comp-1;
        k -= c_comp-1;

    d_comp = k0-sd;
    if (d_comp <= 0){
        dmax = dmin0 + k0-1;
    } else {
        cmin = cmin0 + d_comp-1;
        k -= d_comp-1;
    sc = cmax-cmin+1; sd = dmax-dmin+1;

    debug.log(2, "#k: " + k +", sc: " + sc + ", cmax: " + cmax +", cmin: " + cmin + ", sd: " + sd +", dmax: " + dmax + ", dmin: " + dmin + ", c_comp: " + c_comp + ", d_comp: " + d_comp);

    if (k===1) return (c[cmin]<d[dmin] ? c[cmin] : d[dmin]);
    if (k === sc+sd) return (c[cmax]>d[dmax] ? c[cmax] : d[dmax]);

    m = Math.floor((cmax+cmin)/2);
    n = Math.floor((dmax+dmin)/2);

    debug.log(2, "m: " + m + ", n: "+n+", c[m]: "+c[m]+", d[n]: "+d[n]);

    if (c[m]<d[n]){
        if (m === cmax){ // only 1 element in c;
            return d[dmin+k-1];

        k_next = k-(m-cmin+1);
        return find_kth(c, d, k_next, cmax, m+1, dmax, dmin);
    } else {
        if (n === dmax){
            return c[cmin+k-1];

        k_next = k-(n-dmin+1);
        return find_kth(c, d, k_next, cmax, cmin, dmax, n+1);

function traverse_at(a, ae, h, l, k, at, worker, wp){
    var n = ae ? ae.length : 0;
    var get_node;
    switch (at){
        case "k": get_node = function(idx){
                var node = {};
                var pos = l[idx] + Math.floor(k/n) - 1;
                if (pos<l[idx]){ node.pos = l[idx]; }
                else if (pos > h[idx]){ node.pos = h[idx];}
                else{ node.pos = pos; }

                node.idx = idx;
                node.val = a[idx][node.pos];
                debug.log(6, "pos: "+pos+"
node =");
                debug.log(6, node);
                return node;
        case "l": get_node = function(idx){
                debug.log(6, "a["+idx+"][l["+idx+"]]: "+a[idx][l[idx]]);
                return a[idx][l[idx]];
        case "h": get_node = function(idx){
                debug.log(6, "a["+idx+"][h["+idx+"]]: "+a[idx][h[idx]]);
                return a[idx][h[idx]];
        case "s": get_node = function(idx){
                debug.log(6, "h["+idx+"]-l["+idx+"]+1: "+(h[idx] - l[idx] + 1));
                return h[idx] - l[idx] + 1;
        default: get_node = function(){
                debug.log(1, "!!! Exception: get_node() returns null.");
                return null;


    debug.log(6, "--* traverse_at() *--");

    var i;
    if (!wp){
        for (i=0; i<n; i++){
    } else {
        for (i=0; i<n; i++){
            worker.work(get_node(ae[i]), wp);

    return worker.getResult();

sumKeeper = function(){
    var res = 0;
    return {
        init     : function(){ res = 0;},
        getResult: function(){
                debug.log(5, "@@ sumKeeper.getResult: returning: "+res);
                return res;
        work     : function(node){ if (node!==null) res += node;}

maxPicker = function(){
    var res = null;
    return {
        init     : function(){ res = null;},
        getResult: function(){
                debug.log(5, "@@ maxPicker.getResult: returning: "+res);
                return res;
        work     : function(node){
            if (res === null){ res = node;}
            else if (node!==null && node > res){ res = node;}

minPicker = function(){
    var res = null;
    return {
        init     : function(){ res = null;},
        getResult: function(){
                debug.log(5, "@@ minPicker.getResult: returning: ");
                debug.log(5, res);
                return res;
        work     : function(node){
            if (res === null && node !== null){ res = node;}
            else if (node!==null &&
                node.val !==undefined &&
                node.val < res.val){ res = node; }
            else if (node!==null && node < res){ res = node;}

// find k-th smallest number in n sorted arrays;
// need to consider the case where some of the subarrays are taken out of the selection;
function kth_n(a, ae, k, h, l){
    var n = ae.length;
    debug.log(2, "------**  kth_n()  **-------");
    debug.log(2, "n: " +n+", k: " + k);
    debug.log(2, "ae: ["+ae+"],  len: "+ae.length);
    debug.log(2, "h: [" + h + "]");
    debug.log(2, "l: [" + l + "]");

    for (var i=0; i<n; i++){
        if (h[ae[i]]-l[ae[i]]+1>k) h[ae[i]]=l[ae[i]]+k-1;
    debug.log(3, "--after reduction --");
    debug.log(3, "h: [" + h + "]");
    debug.log(3, "l: [" + l + "]");

    if (n === 1)
        return a[ae[0]][k-1]; 
    if (k === 1)
        return traverse_at(a, ae, h, l, k, "l", minPicker);
    if (k === traverse_at(a, ae, h, l, k, "s", sumKeeper))
        return traverse_at(a, ae, h, l, k, "h", maxPicker);

    var kn = traverse_at(a, ae, h, l, k, "k", minPicker);
    debug.log(3, "kn: ");
    debug.log(3, kn);

    var idx = kn.idx;
    debug.log(3, "last: k: "+k+", l["+kn.idx+"]: "+l[idx]);
    k -= kn.pos - l[idx] + 1;
    l[idx] = kn.pos + 1;
    debug.log(3, "next: "+"k: "+k+", l["+kn.idx+"]: "+l[idx]);
    if (h[idx]<l[idx]){ // all elements in a[idx] selected;
        //remove a[idx] from the arrays.
        debug.log(4, "All elements selected in a["+idx+"].");
        debug.log(5, "last ae: ["+ae+"]");
        ae.splice(ae.indexOf(idx), 1);
        h[idx] = l[idx] = "_"; // For display purpose only.
        debug.log(5, "next ae: ["+ae+"]");

    return kth_n(a, ae, k, h, l);

function find_kth_in_arrays(a, k){

    if (!a || a.length<1 || k<1) throw "Mission Impossible!";

    var ae=[], h=[], l=[], n=0, s, ts=0;
    for (var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
        s = a[i] && a[i].length;
        if (s>0){
            ae.push(i); h.push(s-1); l.push(0);

    if (k>ts) throw "Too few elements to choose from!";

    return kth_n(a, ae, k, h, l);

// tests
// To show everything: use 6.

var a = [2, 3, 5, 7, 89, 223, 225, 667];
var b = [323, 555, 655, 673];
//var b = [99];
var c = [];

debug.log(1, "a = (len: " + a.length + ")");
debug.log(1, a);
debug.log(1, "b = (len: " + b.length + ")");
debug.log(1, b);

for (var k=1; k<a.length+b.length+1; k++){
    debug.log(1, "================== k: " + k + "=====================");

    if (k_largest(a, b, c, k) === 0 ){
      debug.log(1, "c = (len: "+c.length+")");
      debug.log(1, c);

        result = kth(a, b, k, -1);
        debug.log(1, "===== The " + k + "-th largest number: " + result);
    } catch (e) {
        debug.log(0, "Error message from kth(): " + e);

debug.log(1, "################# Now for the n sorted arrays ######################");
debug.log(1, "####################################################################");

x = [[1, 3, 5, 7, 9],
     [-2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12],
     [8, 20, 33, 212, 310, 311, 623],
     [0, 100, 700],

debug.log(1, "x = (len: "+x.length+")");
debug.log(1, x);

for (var i=0, num=0; i<x.length; i++){
    if (x[i]!== null) num += x[i].length;
debug.log(1, "totoal number of elements: "+num);

// to test k in specific ranges:
var start = 0, end = 25;
for (k=start; k<end; k++){
    debug.log(1, "=========================== k: " + k + "===========================");

        result = find_kth_in_arrays(x, k);
        debug.log(1, "====== The " + k + "-th smallest number: " + result);
    } catch (e) {
        debug.log(1, "Error message from find_kth_in_arrays: " + e);
    debug.log(1, "=================================================================");
debug.log(1, "x = (len: "+x.length+")");
debug.log(1, x);
debug.log(1, "totoal number of elements: "+num);


我在这里发现的大多数答案都集中在两个阵列上。 虽然情况良好,但执行起来却更加困难,因为我们需要照顾到很多最坏的情况。 除此以外,大多数执行都是重复性的,增加了再入侵的复杂空间。 因此,我决定不把重点放在两个阵列上,而是决定只注重较小阵列,而双轨搜索只针对较小阵列,并根据第一阵列中点人的价值调整第二阵列的位置。 通过以下实施,我们具有空间复杂性的<代码>O(log(n,m)>。

    public static int kth_two_sorted(int []a, int b[],int k){
    if(a.length > b.length){
        return kth_two_sorted(b,a,k);
    if(a.length + a.length < k){
        throw new RuntimeException("wrong argument");
    int low = 0;
    int high = k;
    if(a.length <= k){
        high = a.length-1;
    while(low <= high){
        int sizeA = low+(high - low)/2;
        int sizeB = k - sizeA;
        boolean shrinkLeft = false;
        boolean extendRight = false;
        if(sizeA != 0){
            if(sizeB !=b.length){
                if(a[sizeA-1] > b[sizeB]){
                    shrinkLeft = true;
                    high = sizeA-1;
                if(a[sizeA] < b[sizeB-1]){
                    extendRight = true;
                    low = sizeA;
        if(!shrinkLeft && !extendRight){
            return Math.max(a[sizeA-1],b[sizeB-1]) ;
    throw  new IllegalArgumentException("we can t be here");

我们有一系列的<代码>[低、高],用于“代码>/code>,随着我们进一步采用计算法,我们缩小了这一范围。 <代码>A 显示<代码>k的物项数量 这些项目来自<代码>a,其价值来自<编码>>> 低和<代码>高。 <代码>B是同一定义,但计算数值时除外。 基于这两条边界的价值观,得出结论,我们必须在阵列<条码>a或缩小到左边。 如果我们持同样立场,这意味着我们找到了解决办法,我们将从<条码>上退回到<条码>>sizeA-1>>的数值上限。

我的法典以Jules Olleon的解决办法为基础:

int getNth(vector<int>& v1, vector<int>& v2, int n)
    int step = n / 4;

    int i1 = n / 2;
    int i2 = n - i1;

    while(!(v2[i2] >= v1[i1 - 1] && v1[i1] > v2[i2 - 1]))
        if (v1[i1 - 1] >= v2[i2 - 1])
            i1 -= step;
            i2 += step;
            i1 += step;
            i2 -= step;

        step /= 2;
        if (!step) step = 1;

    if (v1[i1 - 1] >= v2[i2 - 1])
        return v1[i1 - 1];
        return v2[i2 - 1];

int main()  
    int a1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    int a2[] = {4,6,8,10,12};

    //int a1[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
    //int a2[] = {4,6,8,10,12};

    //int a1[] = {1,7,9,10,30};
    //int a2[] = {3,5,8,11};
    vector<int> v1(a1, a1+9);
    vector<int> v2(a2, a2+5);

    cout << getNth(v1, v2, 5);
    return 0;  

这里是我在C中的执行,你可以援引“The Jules Olléon s”对算法的解释:算法背后的想法是,我们维持i + j = k,并找到这种i和j,以便[i-1] <b[j-1] <a[i](或另一轮)。 由于在比[j-1]小的一组元素和比[j-1]小的j-1部分,b[j-1]是一+j-1+1 =最小元素。 为了找到这样的一,j 算法对阵列进行了射线搜索。

int find_k(int A[], int m, int B[], int n, int k) {
   if (m <= 0 )return B[k-1];
   else if (n <= 0) return A[k-1];
   int i =  ( m/double (m + n))  * (k-1);
   if (i < m-1 && i<k-1) ++i;
   int j = k - 1 - i;

   int Ai_1 = (i > 0) ? A[i-1] : INT_MIN, Ai = (i<m)?A[i]:INT_MAX;
   int Bj_1 = (j > 0) ? B[j-1] : INT_MIN, Bj = (j<n)?B[j]:INT_MAX;
   if (Ai >= Bj_1 && Ai <= Bj) {
       return Ai;
   } else if (Bj >= Ai_1 && Bj <= Ai) {
       return Bj;
   if (Ai < Bj_1) { // the answer can t be within A[0,...,i]
       return find_k(A+i+1, m-i-1, B, n, j);
   } else { // the answer can t be within A[0,...,i]
       return find_k(A, m, B+j+1, n-j-1, i);

这里我的解决办法。 《C++》的编码印刷了最小的数值,以及使用 lo体获得最小值的炉).的数量,我认为,这符合(k)的顺序。 但是,该守则要求千方百计少于限制的首批阵列的长度。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template<typename comparable>
comparable kthSmallest(vector<comparable> & a, vector<comparable> & b, int k){

int idx1; // Index in the first array a
int idx2; // Index in the second array b
comparable maxVal, minValPlus;
float iter = k;
int numIterations = 0;

if(k > a.size()){ // Checks if k is larger than the size of first array
    cout << " k is larger than the first array" << endl;
    return -1;
else{ // If all conditions are satisfied, initialize the indexes
    idx1 = k - 1;
    idx2 = -1;

for ( ; ; ){
    numIterations ++;
    if(idx2 == -1 || b[idx2] <= a[idx1] ){
        maxVal = a[idx1];
        minValPlus = b[idx2 + 1];
        idx1 = idx1 - ceil(iter/2); // Binary search
        idx2 = k - idx1 - 2; // Ensures sum of indices  = k - 2
        maxVal = b[idx2];
        minValPlus = a[idx1 + 1];
        idx2 = idx2 - ceil(iter/2); // Binary search
        idx1 = k - idx2 - 2; // Ensures sum of indices  = k - 2
    if(minValPlus >= maxVal){ // Check if kth smallest value has been found
        cout << "The number of iterations to find the " << k << "(th) smallest value is    " << numIterations << endl;
        return maxVal;

        iter/=2; // Reduce search space of binary search

int main(){
//Test Cases
    vector<int> a = {2, 4, 9, 15, 22, 34, 45, 55, 62, 67, 78, 85};
    vector<int> b = {1, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 20, 56, 67, 89};
    // Input k < a.size()
    int kthSmallestVal;
    for (int k = 1; k <= a.size() ; k++){
        kthSmallestVal = kthSmallest<int>( a ,b ,k );
        cout << k <<" (th) smallest Value is " << kthSmallestVal << endl << endl << endl;

Basically, via this approach you can discard k/2 elements at each step. The K will recursively change from k => k/2 => k/4 => ... till it reaches 1. So, Time Complexity is O(logk)


The following Code is in JAVA. 请注意,由于 Java阵列指数从0而不是1,eg开始,我们在代码中从指数中减去1(-1)。 k=3以阵列第二指数的元件表示。

private int kthElement(int[] arr1, int[] arr2, int k) {
        if (k < 1 || k > (arr1.length + arr2.length))
            return -1;
        return helper(arr1, 0, arr1.length - 1, arr2, 0, arr2.length - 1, k);

private int helper(int[] arr1, int low1, int high1, int[] arr2, int low2, int high2, int k) {
    if (low1 > high1) {
        return arr2[low2 + k - 1];
    } else if (low2 > high2) {
        return arr1[low1 + k - 1];
    if (k == 1) {
        return Math.min(arr1[low1], arr2[low2]);
    int i = Math.min(low1 + k / 2, high1 + 1);
    int j = Math.min(low2 + k / 2, high2 + 1);
    if (arr1[i - 1] > arr2[j - 1]) {
        return helper(arr1, low1, high1, arr2, j, high2, k - (j - low2));
    } else {
        return helper(arr1, i, high1, arr2, low2, high2, k - (i - low1));

The first pseudo code provided above, does not work for many values. For example, here are two arrays. int[] a = { 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19 }; int[] b = { 4, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26 };

它没有为K=3和K=9工作。 我有另一种解决办法。 见下文。

private static void traverse(int pt, int len) {
int temp = 0;

if (len == 1) {
    int val = 0;
    while (k - (pt + 1) - 1 > -1 && M[pt] < N[k - (pt + 1) - 1]) {

    if (val == 0)
        val = M[pt] < N[k - (pt + 1) - 1] ? N[k - (pt + 1) - 1]
            : M[pt];
    else {
        int t = M[pt] < N[k - (pt + 1) - 1] ? N[k - (pt + 1) - 1]
            : M[pt];
        val = val < t ? val : t;



    if (val == 0)
    val = M[pt] < N[k - (pt + 1) - 1] ? N[k - (pt + 1) - 1] : M[pt];


temp = len / 2;

if (M[pt + temp - 1] < N[k - (pt + temp) - 1]) {
    traverse(pt + temp, temp);

} else {
    traverse(pt, temp);


但是,它也没有为5千瓦工作。 即便如此之多,也不能让它简单。

public class KthSmallestInSortedArray {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a1[] = {2, 3, 10, 11, 43, 56},
                a2[] = {120, 13, 14, 24, 34, 36},
                k = 4;

        System.out.println(findKthElement(a1, a2, k));


    private static int findKthElement(int a1[], int a2[], int k) {

        /** Checking k must less than sum of length of both array **/
        if (a1.length + a2.length < k) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

        /** K must be greater than zero **/
        if (k <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

         * Finding begin, l and end such that
         * begin <= l < end
         * a1[0].....a1[l-1] and
         * a2[0]....a2[k-l-1] are the smallest k numbers
        int begin = Math.max(0, k - a2.length);
        int end = Math.min(a1.length, k);

        while (begin < end) {
            int l = begin + (end - begin) / 2;

            /** Can we include a1[l] in the k smallest numbers */
            if ((l < a1.length) &&
                    (k - l > 0) &&
                    (a1[l] < a2[k - l - 1])) {

                begin = l + 1;

            } else if ((l > 0) &&
                    (k - l < a2.length) &&
                    (a1[l - 1] > a2[k - 1])) {

                 * This is the case where we can discard
                 * a[l-1] from the set of k smallest numbers
                end = l;

            } else {

                 * We found our answer since both inequalities were
                 * false
                begin = l;

        if (begin == 0) {
            return a2[k - 1];
        } else if (begin == k) {
            return a1[k - 1];
        } else {
            return Math.max(a1[begin - 1], a2[k - begin - 1]);

这里是 j的地雷解决办法。 努力进一步优化这一机制

  public class FindKLargestTwoSortedArray {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] arr1 = { 10, 20, 40, 80 };
        int[] arr2 = { 15, 35, 50, 75 };

    FindKLargestTwoSortedArray(arr1, 0, arr1.length - 1, arr2, 0,
            arr2.length - 1, 6);

    public static void FindKLargestTwoSortedArray(int[] arr1, int start1,
            int end1, int[] arr2, int start2, int end2, int k) {

        if ((start1 <= end1 && start1 >= 0 && end1 < arr1.length)
                && (start2 <= end2 && start2 >= 0 && end2 < arr2.length)) {

            int midIndex1 = (start1 + (k - 1) / 2);
            midIndex1 = midIndex1 >= arr1.length ? arr1.length - 1 : midIndex1;
            int midIndex2 = (start2 + (k - 1) / 2);
            midIndex2 = midIndex2 >= arr2.length ? arr2.length - 1 : midIndex2;

            if (arr1[midIndex1] == arr2[midIndex2]) {
                System.out.println("element is " + arr1[midIndex1]);
            } else if (arr1[midIndex1] < arr2[midIndex2]) {

                if (k == 1) {
                    System.out.println("element is " + arr1[midIndex1]);
                } else if (k == 2) {
                    System.out.println("element is " + arr2[midIndex2]);
                }else if (midIndex1 == arr1.length-1 || midIndex2 == arr2.length-1 ) {
                    System.out.println("element is " + arr2[midIndex2]);
                    }else if(k==(arr1.length+arr2.length)-1){
                        System.out.println("element is " + arr1[midIndex1]);


                int remainingElementToSearch = k - (midIndex1-start1);
                        (midIndex1 + remainingElementToSearch) >= arr1.length ? arr1.length-1
                                : (midIndex1 + remainingElementToSearch), arr2,
                        start2, midIndex2, remainingElementToSearch);

            } else if (arr1[midIndex1] > arr2[midIndex2]) {
                FindKLargestTwoSortedArray(arr2, start2, end2, arr1, start1,
                        end1, k);

        } else {


https://www.you Programme.com/watch?v=tmu50Fs4v54” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>wonderful 你的视频

Link tocodetail (log(n)+log(m)

Link to Code (log(n)*log(m))


I would like to add my explanation to the problem. This is a classic problem where we have to use the fact that the two arrays are sorted . we have been given two sorted arrays arr1 of size sz1 and arr2 of size sz2

a) 如果是

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 检查 有效

<>strong>k is > (sz1+sz2)

then we cannot find kth smallest element in union of both sorted arrays ryt So return Invalid data. b)Now if above condition holds false and we have valid and feasible value of k,


我们将用在前端和+infinity值两阵列,以涵盖面数 = 1和k = (sz1+sz2-1),(sz1+sz2)et。


<Main Algorithm

现在,我们将进行双轨搜索。 我们将对rr1进行双轨搜索,研究指数一,startIndex <=i <= endIndex

因此,如果我们利用限制(i+j) = k},在rr2中找到相应的指数j,那么,如果是这样的话,

如果(arr2 [j-1] < arr1[i] < arr2[j],then arr1[i] is the kth smallest (Case 1)

否则,如果<(arr1 [i-1] < arr2[j] < arr1[i],then arr2[i] is the kth smallest (Case 2)

其他标志是arr1[i] < arr2[j-1] < arr2[j](Case3)

arr2 [j-1] < arr2[j] < arr1[i] (Case4)

由于我们知道,在两个阵列的结合中,kth小部分(k-1)的成分小于? 因此,

Case1,我们做了些什么,我们确保了总数(k-1)的较小元素与误差1[i],因为与我们所知(arr2 [j-1] < arr1[i] <arr2[j]和2[i]以下的元素数量(j)和(j)小于1[i]的元素数量(j)是j-1,因为使用(i+(j-1)=(k-1)=(k-1),因此最小元素为1[i]

但是,答案不一定总是来自第一组阵列的电rr1,这样我们就可以对case2进行检查,这也与案件1相似,因为(一-1)+(j-1)=(k-1)。 现在,如果我们有(arr1[i-1] < arr2[j] < arr1[i]),那么我们共有比两个阵列的外表2[j]小的单位,因此其最小部分。

case3中,为了对任何案件1或案件2进行分类,我们需要根据限制{(i+j) = k}在双轨搜索中发现一和j,以便开始适当的部分调查。 指数=中等收入

case4中,为了将其归入任何案件1或2,我们需要根据限制{(i+j) = k},在双轨搜索中找到一分之机,使Index=中因得。

Now how to decide startIndex and endIndex at beginning of binary search over arr1 with startindex = 1 and endIndex = ??.We need to decide.

如k > sz1,endIndex = (sz1+1),其他端Index = k;

Because if k is greater than the size of the first array we may have to do binary search over the entire array arr1 else we only need to take first k elements of it because sz1-k elements can never contribute in calculating kth smallest.


// Complexity    O(log(n)+log(m))

using namespace std;
#define f(i,x,y) for(int i = (x);i < (y);++i)
#define F(i,x,y) for(int i = (x);i > (y);--i)
int max(int a,int b){return (a > b?a:b);}
int min(int a,int b){return (a < b?a:b);}
int mod(int a){return (a > 0?a:((-1)*(a)));}
#define INF 1000000

int func(int *arr1,int *arr2,int sz1,int sz2,int k)


if((k <= (sz1+sz2))&&(k > 0))

int s = 1,e,i,j;
if(k > sz1)e = sz1+1;
else e = k;
  i = (e+s)/2;
  j = ((k-1)-(i-1)); 
  if(j > (sz2+1)){s = i;}
  else if((arr1[i] >= arr2[j-1])&&(arr1[i] <= arr2[j]))return arr1[i];
  else if((arr2[j] >= arr1[i-1])&&(arr2[j] <= arr1[i]))return arr2[j];
  else if(arr1[i] < arr2[j-1]){s = i;}
  else if(arr1[i] > arr2[j]){e = i;}
  else {;}
i = e,j = ((k-1)-(i-1));j++;
if((arr1[i] >= arr2[j-1])&&(arr1[i] <= arr2[j]))return arr1[i];
else if((arr2[j] >= arr1[i-1])&&(arr2[j] <= arr1[i]))return arr2[j];
  i = s,j = ((k-1)-(i-1));j++;
  if((arr1[i] >= arr2[j-1])&&(arr1[i] <= arr2[j]))return arr1[i];
  else return arr2[j];



cout << "Data Invalid" << endl;
return -INF;



int main()

int n,m,k;
cin >> n >> m >> k;
int arr1[n+2];
int arr2[m+2];
cin >> arr1[i];
cin >> arr2[i];
arr1[0] = -INF;
arr2[0] = -INF;
  arr1[n+1] = +INF;  
arr2[m+1] = +INF; 
int val = func(arr1,arr2,n,m,k);
if(val != -INF)cout << val << endl;   
return 0;



仅仅因为每个一例 j都可以通过限制(i-1)+(j-1)=(k-1)}找到而失去好处。 因此,对每一方而言,在第二阵列中进一步应用双轨搜索,以发现这种rr。 因此,这一解决办法可以进一步优化

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int findKthElement(int a[],int start1,int end1,int b[],int start2,int end2,int k){

    if(start1 >= end1)return b[start2+k-1];
    if(start2 >= end2)return a[start1+k-1];
    if(k==1)return min(a[start1],b[start2]);
    int aMax = INT_MAX;
    int bMax = INT_MAX;
    if(start1+k/2-1 < end1) aMax = a[start1 + k/2 - 1];
    if(start2+k/2-1 < end2) bMax = b[start2 + k/2 - 1];

    if(aMax > bMax){
        return findKthElement(a,start1,end1,b,start2+k/2,end2,k-k/2);
        return findKthElement(a,start1 + k/2,end1,b,start2,end2,k-k/2);

int main(void){
    int t;
        int n,m,k;
        cout<<"Enter the size of 1st Array"<<endl;
        int arr[n];
        cout<<"Enter the Element of 1st Array"<<endl;
        for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){
        cout<<"Enter the size of 2nd Array"<<endl;
        int arr1[m];
        cout<<"Enter the Element of 2nd Array"<<endl;
        for(int i = 0;i<m;i++){
        cout<<"Enter The Value of K";

    return 0;


在两家Sorted Arrays联盟中,在C#代码后,将K-th Small Element 。 时间复杂性:O(logk)

        public static int findKthSmallestElement1(int[] A, int startA, int endA, int[] B, int startB, int endB, int k)
            int n = endA - startA;
            int m = endB - startB;

            if (n <= 0)
                return B[startB + k - 1];
            if (m <= 0)
                return A[startA + k - 1];
            if (k == 1)
                return A[startA] < B[startB] ? A[startA] : B[startB];

            int midA = (startA + endA) / 2;
            int midB = (startB + endB) / 2;

            if (A[midA] <= B[midB])
                if (n / 2 + m / 2 + 1 >= k)
                    return findKthSmallestElement1(A, startA, endA, B, startB, midB, k);
                    return findKthSmallestElement1(A, midA + 1, endA, B, startB, endB, k - n / 2 - 1);
                if (n / 2 + m / 2 + 1 >= k)
                    return findKthSmallestElement1(A, startA, midA, B, startB, endB, k);
                    return findKthSmallestElement1(A, startA, endA, B, midB + 1, endB, k - m / 2 - 1);



import math
def findkthsmallest():


    while True:
        if k==1:
            return min(A[lM],B[lN])

        tmp = cM/float(cM+cN)
        if A[iM] >= B[iN]:
            if iN == hN or A[iM] < B[iN+1]:
                return A[iM]
                k = k - (iN-lN+1)
        if B[iN] >= A[iM]:
            if iM == hM or B[iN] < A[iM+1]:
                return B[iN]
                k = k - (iM-lM+1)
        if hM < lM:
            return B[lN+k-1]
        if hN < lN:
            return A[lM+k-1]

if __name__ ==  __main__ :
    print findkthsmallest();

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