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原标题:Animating back to the original position with jQuery

I want to animate the image which is clicked by the user to the top left 100x100 then I want it to return to its original position where the animation started but with this piece of code it keeps sliding by some pixels to the top and left. I couldn t figure out what causes this problem. How can I make it return to its original position?

var posLeft;
var posTop;

$(this).children("img").click(function() {


        $.each($(this).parent().children("img"), function() {




        $(this).css("z-index", "1");


function goToTopLeft(img) {
        posLeft = img.position().left;
        posTop = img.position().top;
        img.animate({ top:  -=100 , left:  -=100 , height:  toggle  }, 500);

    function goToFrontFromTopLeft(img) {
        img.animate({ top: posTop, left: posLeft, height:  toggle  }, 500);


$( img ).click(
        var offset = $(this).offset();
        var originLeft = offset.left;
        var originTop = offset.top;
                 top  :  400px ,
                 left :  200px 
            }, 1500, function() {
                     top : originTop,
                     left  : originLeft
            }, 1500)


Link to JS Fiddle Demo


body, div, iframe {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;

似乎已经治愈了这一暂时性浮雕,而且,我怀疑,这很可能解决你自己的问题。 但是,如果看不见真的 de,那么除了猜测外,难以理解问题是什么。 如果这样做,我当然建议张贴JS Fiddle,或JS Bin, demo,以便我们能够看到你与你合作。


您重新估算的<代码>img是否绝对定位? 我能够用一个绝对的位置复制img。 如果你相对地看待这一形象,我认为这将解决你的问题。 我树立了一个简化的例子:here。 Try changing the CSS to position:absolute and You ll see the issue.

页: 1 j Qu Qu won respect 尊重元素的行文风格,加上toggle的身高选择,也许其他人会chim。

这一职能使所有 style形的风格都回到了开端职位/风格。

var animate = function(selector, obj) {
    var original = {};
    if (!$(selector).is(":animated")) {
        $.each(obj, function(i, v) {
            original[i] = $(selector).css(i);
        $(selector).animate(obj, function() {

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