English 中文(简体)
原标题:Programmatic gradient stops with Javascript



    0 =>  000000 
 8400 =>  f0ff00 
44000 =>  2033ff 
68400 =>  3300a0 

There being 86400 seconds in a day, 12:00AM maps to 0, and 11:59PM maps to 86399. As time passes, the background color of a specified element changes to the appropriate color in gradient list via window.setInterval(function(e){ ... }, 1000). For example 2:32:11PM = 52331, which from the example would be somewhere between 2033ff and 3300a0.




Given 2033ff and 3300a0 as start and end you ll do:

red1 = 0x2033ff >> 16;
green1 = (0x2033ff >> 8) & 0xFF;
blue1  = 0x2033ff & 0xFF;

red2 = 0x3300a0 >> 16;
green2 = (0x3300a0 >> 8) & 0xFF;
blue2  = 0x3300a0 & 0xFF;

time = 0.3 // This should be between 0 and 1

outred = time * red1 + (1-time) * red2;
outgreen = time * green1 + (1-time) * green2;
outblue = time * blue1 + (1-time) * blue2;

我写了以下图书馆:RainbowVis-JS,作为绘制颜色地图的普遍解决办法。 例如,你将使用:

var rainbow = new Rainbow(); 
rainbow.setSpectrum( 2033ff ,  3300a0 );
rainbow.setNumberRange(1, 86400);
var colour = rainbow.colourAt(52331); // 2c14c5

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