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原标题:videojs doesnot play when we change the path of the mp4 .when we navigate its downloads the mp4
  • 时间:2010-12-30 04:58:07
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • mp4

I am using a videojs plugin. its a jquery video player plugin which uses flowplayer. when i put the videojs code it plays the video form there server http://video-js.zencoder.com/oceans-clip.mp4. but when i replace it with my on web address online or localhost it doesnot play .mp4. My local computer has all the software such as flash,mp4,Apple software,i am running this application on widows7 with visual studio 2010.


您的影响力4是否被编码用于上游? 为使闪光视频能够发挥作用,必须从下游末到开始数据。 一项称为“快车道”的方案可以为你提供。 HandBrake等方案有“网络”选择,在编码时也这样做。

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