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原标题:iPhone PushNotification Registering Multiple Times

我正在用普什诺特语作我的发言。 斜体是,每当申请装上时,就会产生该装置。 因此,在我的服务器中,我有许多重复装置标记。



    - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions

 // launchOptions has the incoming notification if we re being launched after the user tapped "view"
 NSLog( @"didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:%@", launchOptions );

 // [self.viewController handleDidReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];

 // other setup tasks here.... 
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] 
  registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:(UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | 
           UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound |

    // [self updateWithRemoteData];  // freshen your app!

    application.applicationIconBadgeNumber = 0; 

    // ... 
 // call the original applicationDidFinishLaunching method to handle the basic view setup tasks
 [self applicationDidFinishLaunching:application];

 return YES;

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app 
didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)devToken { 
    [self sendDeviceTokenToRemote:devToken]; // send the token to your server 

谁能帮助? 我如何在服务器上储存独特的装置标识?

thanks, Nikil

  1. In most cases, this APNs token assigned to each device is unique and constant. You can view it as another kind of UDID. So once a device is registered in your server s database, you don t have to register it again.
  2. (This is the tricky part) However, according to Apple s documentation, APNs token could change, let s say, if the device has been updated to a higher version of OS or has some of its hardware be replaced with a new one. However, this doesn t happen that often.
  3. As for converting and storing this APNs token in your app and in your server, check this post, iPhone pushNotification DeviceToken - How to "decrypt"


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