English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to check if the URL contains a given string?


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
    if(window.location.contains("franky")) // This doesn t work, any suggestions?
         alert("your url contains the name franky");

页: 1

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    if (window.location.href.indexOf("franky") > -1) {
      alert("your url contains the name franky");
if (window.location.href.indexOf("franky") != -1)

这样做。 或者,你可以使用一种规章:

if (/franky/.test(window.location.href))

您将使用。 类似:

if(window.location.href.indexOf("franky") != -1){....}


if(window.location.toString().indexOf("franky") != -1){....}

https://developer.mozilla.org/en/window.position”rel=“noretinger”>window. place 斜体为<代码>toString()。 因此,你可以这样做:

(  +window.location).includes("franky")


http://web.archive.org/web/20120505074801/https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.position”rel=“noreferer”>old docs :

Location objects have a toString method returning the current URL. You can also assign a string to window.location. This means that you can work with window.location as if it were a string in most cases. Sometimes, f或example when you need to call a String method on it, you have to explicitly call toString.


    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function () {
            if(window.location.href.indexOf("cart") > -1) 
                 alert("your url contains the name franky");

The regex way:

var matches = !!location.href.match(/franky/); //a boolean value now


if (location.href.match(/franky/)) {



检查href是否包含192.168 localhost 之后是<代码>:1337。



if(document.URL.indexOf("searchtext") != -1) {
} else {

就此而言,它缩短了时间,并实际操作为window. place.href:

if (document.URL.indexOf("franky") > -1) { ... }


if (document.referrer.indexOf("franky") > -1) { ... }


<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
    var url = window.location.href;
    if(url.includes( franky ))    //includes() method determines whether a string contains specified string.
         alert("url contains franky");



var string= location.href;
var convertedString= string.toLowerCase();

if(convertedString.indexOf( franky ) != -1)
    alert("url has franky");
    alert("url has no franky");


top.location.pathname.includes( franky )



<script type="text/javascript">             
        function () 
            var regExp = /franky/g;
            var testString = "something.com/frankyssssddsdfjsdflk?franky";//Inyour case it would be window.location;
            if(regExp.test(testString)) // This doesn t work, any suggestions.                 
                alert("your url contains the name franky");                 

Try indexOf

if (foo.indexOf("franky") >= 0)

You can also try search (for regular expressions)

if (foo.search("franky") >= 0)

Use Window.location.href to take the url in javascript. it s a property that will tell you the current URL location of the browser. Setting the property to something different will redirect the page.

if (window.location.href.indexOf( franky ) > -1) {
     alert("your url contains the name franky");


//kick unvalidated users to the login page
var onLoginPage = (window.location.href.indexOf("login") > -1);

if (!onLoginPage) {
  console.log( redirected to login page );
  window.location = "/login";
} else {
  console.log( already on the login page );

a 窗户所在地是一个包含多种方法的物体,其中一些是与URL有关的载体,因此,你可以安全地搜寻目标明确的护卫:

const href = location.href;
// "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4597050/how-to-check-if-the-url-contains-a-given-string"

// another option 
const pathname = location.pathname;
// "/questions/4597050/how-to-check-if-the-url-contains-a-given-string"

// search for string safely
pathname.includes("questions"); // true
href.includes("questions"); // true

The Location Object

页: 1

                var url = window.location.href;
                if (~url.indexOf("#product-consulation")) {
                    console.log( YES );
                    // $( html, body ).animate({
                    //     scrollTop: $( #header ).offset().top - 80
                    // }, 1000);
                } else {
                    console.log( NOPE );

由于边界线(<>条码/编码>或类似装置,经常表达对许多人来说更为理想。 <代码>0-9、a-zA-Z_均在下一个配对的该边上,或字母数字特性与线上或线上下或起步相连接。

if (location.href.match(/(?:|_)franky(?:|_)))

如果您使用<代码>if(window. place.href.indexOf(“sam”),则请与<代码>flotsam和same相匹配,除其他外,tom将可与红mato相匹配,明天与无雷克。



if (location.href.match(/(?:|_)(?:franky|bob|billy|john|steve)(?:|_)/i))

请允许我谈谈<代码>(?:<>:>。 RegEx通常将_定义为word nature,因此它不会造成一字边界。 我们利用这个<代码>(?:<>>)来处理这一问题。 看看它是否在座右边发现<代码><>/code>或_


if (location.href.match(/([^wxxx]|^)(?:franky|bob|billy|john|steve)([^wxxx]|$)/i))
//where xxx is a character representation (range or literal) of your language s alphanumeric characters.


var x = location.href // just used to shorten the code
x.indexOf("-sam-") || x.indexOf("-sam.") || x.indexOf(" sam,") || x.indexOf("/sam")...
// and other comparisons to see if the url ends with it 
// more for other filters like frank and billy

<>支持定期表达的其他语文的记号p{L},但javascript没有,因此探测外国特性的任务会变得更容易。 缩略语

This is my code ♥

function CheckUrl(url) {
var checkA = url.match(/(https|http)://(.*?).(.*?).(.*?)(/|  )/g);
var checkP = url.match(/(https|http)://(.*?).(.*?)(/|  )/g);
if (checkA != null || checkP != null) {
    return true;
else {
    console.log("Error", "The link is not valid");
return false;}

You can use javascript string method match

const url = window.location.href;
const find =  questions ;
const found = url.match(find);


if(found !== null && found[0] === find){
  console.log( You are in the questions page );
} else {
  console.log( You are not in the questions page );


  <p id="response"><p>
    var query = document.location.href.substring(document.location.href.indexOf("?") + 1);
    var text_input = query.split("&")[0].split("=")[1];
    document.getElementById( response ).innerHTML=text_input;
  </script> </div>

url表格是www. localhost.com/web_form_response.html?text_input=stack&over=flow

<代码><p id=“response”>将改为stack

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