English 中文(简体)
原标题:Compare 2 objects in eclipse in runtime (while debugging)?

我可以比较使用Eclipse(表达工具)的2个物体,试图推翻 Java方案。 我可以做的是,在表达中增加标语,手工扩大标语,以便进行比较,我希望大家一样选择2项标语(当然是同一类),并说“Compare”和Eclipse对标的都是一样的,突出了所有差异。

PS:Im not lazy to do this Manually, its Just that the Object I m deal with is welltric, as its got 10 levels or rangelist of Object :


Not a elegant solution but it has worked well for me in the past is to include something like gson or other json parser in your classpath. Then in the Display view type:

new Gson().gson.toJson(yourObject1)  


new Gson().gson.toJson(yourObject2)

Then use the json ouput save it to files 以及 use a file comparison tool. Longwinded but with complex objects its often worth it.


They can be as detailed or simple as you want them to be. Using a equals expression in the Display view may tel you if two objects are the same, but if their different, it won t tell you what those differences are. Consider using Eclipse detail formatters. They are awesome.

粗略的字眼光短视往往带有不想要的数据,而这种数据只是掩盖了你的思想和你真正感兴趣的内容。 你决定展示的是你选择的详细格式。



Find “Display” view under debug category. 从java debug的角度来看,它不是默认的。 在辩论会期间,你将可执行非常武断的java声明。

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