English 中文(简体)
2. 多种形态/图伊普种姓
原标题:Polymorphism/Type Casting Usage


我理解多变性是一种目标,可以采取多种形式。 因此,物体可以是另一个形式?

Mammal (base class)
cat (subclass of mammal) 
supercat (subclass of cat)
Cat newCat = new Cat();


SuperCat supCat = (SuperCat)newCat;

难道这不像什么? 你们想要什么时候? 上述法典是否有效? 因此, C. 转换成“超级目录” • 增加记忆分配? 之后,这本书又写上了up子。

注: 多吗?





This is where your polymorphic behavior is defined prior to compilation. This happens with method overloading e.g.

public bool DoSomeThing(int myVal)
  // some code here

public bool DoSomeThing(double myVal)
  // some code here


This is where the polymorphic behavior happens at runtime. An example of this would be a method that accepts a type that implements a specific interface (or common base class). This interface could be of a different type depending on the code that is executing.


public interface IWeapon
   void Strike();

public class Knife : IWeapon
   public void Strike()

public class Gun : IWeapon
   public void Strike()

public class Warrior
  public void Attack(IWeapon weapon)




多种形态是你通过基类接口与亚类物体相互作用的。 例如:

List<Cat> cats = new List<Cat>();
cats.Add(new Cat());
cats.Add(new SuperCat());

foreach (Cat cat in cats) 
    cat.Meow();  // Works whether cat refers to a Cat or SuperCat.
                 // If SuperCat has its own Meow implementation, that is called.

多种形态允许一种类型表示某种合同,而对于其他类型,则以不同方式(无论是通过集体继承还是非)执行合同,每种方式都是根据其自己的目的。 适用该合同的法典不应(*) 只须注意涉及哪些执行,但合同必须服从。


多种形态 - 在两项判决中界定:

No this is not "Polymorphism" A SuperCat is a Cat, but not all Cats are SuperCat´s.

多种形态意味着,你的超级骑士团是一家超级骑士团,一个加塔,另一个是Mammal。 这可视为其中任何一种。


道德-研究; 制图或类型

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