English 中文(简体)
原标题:How Can I Check if a string represents an positive, non-zero int?







• 利用STL,你可以使用以下 st子:

template<typename FwdIter>
bool all_digits( FwdIter start, FwdIter end )
   return std::find( start, end, std::not1(::isdigit) ) == end;

当然,你只能写一 lo。

template<typename FwdIter>
bool all_digits( FwdIter start, FwdIter end )
   for( ; start != end; ++start )
     if( !::isdigit( *start ) )
        return false;
   return true;

如果显示投入数量是肯定的,那么这不会完全告诉你,因为它们可能都是零,而扼杀可能是空的。 我们可以很容易地将这种内容列入 lo版。

template<typename FwdIter>
bool is_positive_int( FwdIter start, FwdIter end )
   bool foundNonZero;
   for( ; start != end; ++start )
     if( !::isdigit( *start ) )
        return false;
     if( *start >  0  ) // it must be a digit
        foundNonZero = true;
   return foundNonZero;


  • You may have leading zeros (but there must be at least one non-zero in there) so 0234 is a valid positive number
  • No whitespace allowed
  • first character must be one of 1 through 9
  • all other characters must be one of 0 through 9

Check the first, loop over the rest, easy-peasy.


  • what representation/basis are allowed: binary, octal, hexadecimal? (the main difference is made by hex, your digits set is different)
  • are leading and trailing whitespace allowed (your input is a string, you should not disregard this unless you are promised it will not happen)
  • are leading zeros allowed?
  • is leading + allowed?


  • strip leading and trailing whitespace
  • scan the string checking that it contains only the allowed digits and a +
  • verify that it contains at least one non-zero digit

问题也是你需要确认数字,例如: 输入<代码>123+456



如果我理解你的要求,一个子系统将一些积极因素转化为扼杀,而最终又进入另一个子系统,希望证实这些投入没有发生。 如果你知道你直系的转换,那么任务就容易得多:假定不会有白天空间,不会有头零,也不会有领先的<条码>+<>>/代码”。

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