我也想做同样的事情,但已经找到了办法。 我不认为可以在工作框架内这样做。 页: 1
Had the same question before exploring the menu
在MySqlWorkbench, 而EER diagram 开放:
Menu> Model > model 选择和选择; 图表
定时使用缺损和无法衡量的隐 cap
您, 见“关系上限”,但如果你写了第二字上限,它就能够接手。
Tracking a familial relationship in Core Data (1 parent entity + 2 types of children, one of which is recursive), trying to create a drop-menu in Interface Builder that lists the names of the parent ...
I have an element bound to an entity (Contact) that exposes some navigation properties. I want, that on some action (i.e. a "Load children" button), the Contact should load for all its children and ...
I m using entity framework with 3.5 sp1, and I ve come across a strange problem. I have a 1 to many relationship and I cant seem to add a value for it. I have a table "Bookings" and FK in table "...
Maybe im just an idiot, but I am having serious issues mapping relationships with the new entity framework. When using LinqToSql, you would just right click the table, add association, select the ...
I have a social network set up and via an api I want to search the entries. The database of the social network is mysql. I want the search to return results in the following format: Results that ...
Trying to setup a simple Thread/Poll table mapping. Here is what I have: Threads table ThreadID (Primary Key/Identity Column) Polls table PollID (Primary Key, FK for ThreadID for one-to-one ...
instead of talking let me talk with code: Dim Contact = Context.Contacts.Include("Phones") Dim phone = Contact.Phones(0) Contact.Remove(phone) How do I refresh the context now, canceling last ...
What is the opposite of: Dim ad As New Address Person.AddressReference.Attach(ad) I mean how do I delete the Person.Address? (both with deleting and without - meaning only delete the relation)?